
Yes. I know.

I KNEW it looked familiar. I even said so out loud while watching, but figured it was more of a good joke.

Well, the guy didn't just die — his widow was his murderer.

He probably is constantly thinking about it? Because it's his job?

I thought the art was way more Team Fortress 2.

I think he's thinking about it. I don't know for sure, as I can't read minds (YET), but there's probably a good chance he's constantly aware of this public sentiment.

Oh MAN. Psyched. There should be a Random Roles for Lori Petty … I just remembered she was on Battlestar Galactica.

More, please. Just this morning, I went back to read the last review/recap, and not remembering the schedule, was delighted to see this one.

I love the sense of blindness with the CIC buried in the middle of the ship, and relying on radar to know what's going on. It freaked me out every time to see the contrast between close-up, "real-time" shots of Vipers dodging and/or exploding in space, and the sterile, never-fast-enough representations on the screens

I think I crushed on both of them together. Not as lovers, but as friends. Their dynamic is just fabulous and I'd sit watching them all day.

I am astounded how dashing Tobias Menzies is in this.

There are movies about periods before the 1600s!?

She's not the only child; her father mentions her brother. He does say he feels that she thinks the most like him, and that's why. Not sure if that's genuine or as you say, a way of controlling her.

For some reason, you quoting this line made me recall the voice of the Archmage and finally realize after all these long years that the Archmage is in fact DAVID WARNER. Holy crap! What a revelation.

The scene in the washroom with Helo and the fake Athena still haunts me. It kind of disturbed me when I saw it and I still don't like thinking about it.

Oh, man, the inter-Adama drama. I remember the miniseries really not selling it well to me — Lee comes off as a petulant ass, even after you find out why. (I never truly cared about Lee and Starbuck's tortured relationship, although I appreciated some of the moments it did bring around.)

It'll be on Amazon in January!

That photo is selling the hell out of this for me already.

Okay … thanks? I stand corrected … ?

I totally forgot she was Flemeth! Fantastic.