
You want us to point out specific names when so many of the existing actors on the show many of us probably didn't know by name anyway? I think that's for a professional casting director and agency to deal with.

1. Then pick a Chinese actor who can speak English well. They exist. That isn't representational writing being a problem, but marketing. Studios also often cast fame at the cost of talent.

I find representation pretty awesome?

This rang so strangely true to me because my mom is a huge Stephen King fan. She got us to watch It when we were kids, which, wow, was not the right call.

Hmm, the high tone on "ma" made it sound like "mother" to me. I sitll found it weird though.

Yes! Really appreciated all of that, especially Katrina's attempt. She stabbed him through the freakin' hand — everyone's a little badass on this show.

I loved this too! I also loved that Abbie was always happy and relieved to see Ichabod, but overwhelmed when it was Jenny. It made sense, but I'm glad the writers didn't see fit to emotionally trump the deep sister bond with the Ichabod-Abbie partnership.

Am I Headless-sexual?

Ok, I can't lie … I felt super confused when the shirtless Headless Horseman flashed on screen. Still confused.

Definitely. I also like the change … that they got married impulsively at the city clerk's office is so cute.

Not just you — that crossed my mind too. It was weird.

Cool! Thanks for looking that up and sharing it.

Catching up on X-Files, I was pretty stunned to see how early X-Files adopted 16:9. We thought for sure we were watching fancrops, but nope, original. Another reason to love X-Files.

Finally watched it and here to throw my support on Team Don't Like the Voiceover. It was pretty redundant in this episode, and it felt like a lot of shots — like the ribbons — would have been more effective without her spelling it all out. The "breadcrumbs" are ribbons! Badum-tsh.

Need the mini Nicholas Angel on my desk (next to my mini Brienne of Tarth).

I feel pretty bad for Scarlett Johansson … her hacking was a while ago, but hey, let's remind everyone that happened!

Well, it was good enough for Duchamp …

OH. MY. GOD. That's fantastic. Thank you for making me aware of this.

Eh, shipping has been a thing as long as there have been fans of things.

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