
I loathed the way they did this. I feel badly for the actress, who in previous videos seemed very invested in Shae and the tragedy of her character. None of that came through in this episode.

No, I thought it was incredibly weird they played it like an act of self-defense. He probably intended to kill her at that point, but the fact she grabbed a knife first and they had to struggle made it seem like he kind of murdered her semi-accidentally.

It was super weird … she reminded me of the first walker child in the series premiere.

Yeah, to me, he seemed mad at her for being in prison while he was raising their daughter. I was terrified it was going to end sadly.

No, she's amazing. I loved the same actress in Louie too.

Yeah, I thought they were going to give us more nuance after showing how she DID do good for Taystee, providing her with a family structure, etc. I got less interested in Vee in the later episodes, even as the stakes went up.

"And now that the week is over and YesAllWomen isn't trending on Twitter, the conversation is pretty much forgotten."

Right! And she also ditched that bathrobe at the hospital.

Yeah, me too. Brook seems like a really flat one-joke character. The ONITB writers have earned some trust though, so I'm going with it for now — only been one episode so far.

I think the joke was part deadpan, part these-characters-have-NO-clue. To them, it was a transfer so she could testify against the drug leader guy). They probably thought that was good (as did Piper) because it might mean she can continue to move forward. THEY knew the transfer was meant to be temporary (even if it

I was pretty worried for one of her eyes, which looked completely bloody on one side. Props to the actress.

I don't really remember either.

Seriously. Stuff of nightmares. It would put a crazy pall over their nuptials. If I were that woman, I'd trash the veil and get a new one.

Oh, I didn't remember that tidbit. In this case, it's looking like her parents insisting on her general integration is in Suzanne's favour over how they handled that insistence on broad assimilation in her childhood/youth … but mostly due to the horrifying reality of the prison mental illness system (not much

I was amazed that they went there. I loved that too — that they weren't afraid to turn somebody that seemed so nice into someone horrifying.

Yeah … sorry. As you see, I missed that completely. Which lends much legitimacy to my comment, I'm sure. Thanks for taking the time to respond to me though!

Yep, my mistake. Thanks.

Yeah, weird this doesn't mention this is based on existing comic books. EDIT: My bad. YOU TOTALLY DO. RIGHT IN THE INTRO.

I think she didn't pull away because she was too paralyzed in her thinking "WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING." No reaction look because she's learning to hide stuff.

Nah. Didn't she make coq au vin once? I don't know about "always" but I guess that was the point being made in this episode.