
Uggh, I TOTALLY agree with you. But I guess you can say that a mob boss shouldn't have to tell one of his main henchmen/assassins to wait … he should be good enough to determine which situations are ones to wait. I can totally picture a criminal boss being unhappy that he has to lay out every single thing for his men.

Holy crap, THAT'S where I recognized him from! BURT PETERSON!

That's a good idea. Like what? What can a former surgeon/current detective consultant do to escape when under guard by armed mobsters?

Yeah, I think she knows. She looked pretty skeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeved out.

Agreed. But I did like how it did seem like it was *supposed* to be creepy, at least how I read it from the show. (After last week, I sure hope they INTENDED it that way.)

The worst. I was more upset with the writers/showrunners than I was with the character I was supposed to loathe.

My boyfriend didn't even react to me screaming "SER POUNCE!" I think he's decided ignoring me reacting to book stuff is just a distraction.

Jaime compartmentalizes it, that's what's being pointed out here. Solekakuma doesn't say a thing about whether Jaime is right to murder little boys. The one aspect of his character under discussion is whether he lets women be raped.

Same with me. People think she looked 10 years older than she really is? FIFTY? You crazy? I thought she looked super sexy.

Totes. The Iron Man 1 credits, IIRC, are pretty great too, with black and red blueprints (?) … helped in no small part by the Black Sabbath music.

Too bad people didn't even stick for the first one … I thought the graphic credits looked great. I think watching credits are a great way to kind of absorb a movie and relax afterwards. My boyfriend is in CGI effects, so he's always interested in seeing who did the work on a particular film. We generally watch credits

Getting to this late (just saw it yesterday), but re: "endless credits," have some respect … these people helped make the movie happen. The least they should get is their name scrolling by to a mostly empty theatre while teenagers clean up popcorn bags and spilled drinks.

I'm sure Todd was specifically thinking of Ovid and what a smarmy jumped-up poseur he was, not that people are *abusing* a classic device out of laziness rather than deploying for a specific, thoughtful reason.

I was pretty meh about the animation "heroes" clip that only showed flicks by Dreamworks, Pixar, and Disney, as far as I could see. No non-Western or indie animation, and WAY too much Shrek. Ugh.

Agreed. Sudden death overtime is totally different.

A commentator I watched said that skeleton actually has the lowest rate of crashing of the sled sports because there's such a low centre of gravity. Bobsled is more dangerous.

Yes. Shit is hard for women in general. Fully agreed. And of course few ever say "I only care about white women." Fully agreed.

I told the BF that they probably sold it as "Ocean's Eleven in WWII."

I'm not going to say these episodes are amazing, but I like both of them. They have a nice emotional core, and I appreciate that. I was pretty interested in reading the review to see what the objections are, and I'm kiiiind of embarrassed I never noticed them. For me, I bought into the captain's willingness to be a

Some genuinely cheesy parts … that guy pretending to be a monster in purgatory by basically walking slowly and wearing a grey bodysuit got me to burst out laughing … but goddamn, Victor Garber turning into a black-eyed demon and eating glass, filling his mouth with blood was PERFECT.