
I think "fish out of water" works well for a prison show if only because in real life, it actually happens. People regularly come in and out, some for not the first time, but others brand new to the life. It's not as cliched as other examples.

I liked how thoughtful it was … the decision to commit to her integrity could have been a storyline for many characters, but I loved how it was tailored for Sophia. She's already had to make so many tough decisions in her life … it made sense she could have the fortitude for it.

@avclub-c560897e82ed4a8bd39f54b32f6a1575:disqus Ooh, I love paint swatching.

? Montreal has a 32% "visible minority"/Aboriginal population according to Statscan numbers. It's not as impressive as Vancouver or Toronto, but I don't think we can call Montreal "ivory." 

While I kind of agree, I think putting his life aside for something as drastic as his wife becoming PM is probably something a lot of politicians' spouses don't deal with well. They just hide it (see: the Hesselboes). To be fairer to Philip, he's not just letting his professional life rot, but his wife is completely

"They must have been married/together a real long time that he has to get in the mood to do it." I think that's a slight overstatement … but regardless, they have a teen daughter together, so they've been together for at least 14-15 years? Probably at least 20 years.

Hi hi!

What? No mention of Philip in white tie?

I get what you mean. Benjamin does seem charming, but the way he kind of semi-bullied Katrine into talking to her was pretty off-putting. Yes, she was irritated and abrupt, but if a stranger doesn't want to talk to you, regardless of however bad a day she's having, how much does it cost you to back off? After

No … but he wasn't "her" trainer. He led a class she participated in. He was right to call her out about not following his instructions and thus making it uncomfortable for other people in the class, but it was a bit much to start offering unsolicited advice on her diet and other training. 

When suicide becomes endemic in a population and a problem beyond individuals, it's more than just a medical or mental health issue.

He's pretty great on QI, and that's all I need. He's OK in my books.


He kind of called her a Nazi when they met?

Yeah. "Cheaply" titillating Stan? She was making a joke in response to his voice, and like you said, she backed off once she knew he was with someone.

@Bekazzled:disqus : Doreah? Oh snore. Lovely lady and the actor brought some great dimension (phrasing!) to the character, but I think Emilia Clarke and Sophie Turner have much more interesting and beautiful faces. Sophie Turner is INSANELY pretty, she looks amazing as a redhead, and she seems like a splendid and

It's really gratifying when I reread the books and noticed how often Sansa tried to be cheerful about it, despite her fear and hatred of the Lannisters. She tried to be cheerful about marrying Willas instead of Loras, and then tried to remember that Tyrion had been kind to her.

Yep. "I didn't kill you as a baby, you should be FUCKING GRATEFUL."

Freys … love 'em and leave 'em types, I guess.

Well … it's a big household. A really big one. I think many things don't remain secret, even a plot to stage a murder-wedding. Or much less one.