
I missed that too. One of the several signs that something was actually horribly wrong. I liked the idea that even though she was a key figure, Roslyn was horrified by the whole thing, and could not get herself to pretend to be merry.

Thank you! You and NotHereforThis. Agh, I'm so sick of people blaming Cat for everything … I think it's incredibly telling that while Robb broke his agreement, what everyone remembers is Lord Frey breaking guest right.

@Dikachu:twitter : I think there's a difference between an oath you made for political reasons (which is still, of course, an oath) and an oath to uphold the honour of not murdering unarmed prisoner-of-war boys (and yes, it was MURDER). 
Robb broke a promise, but what Karstark did was unforgivable and monstrous.

What kind of logic is that? I'm a woman and I don't agree with you. Just because we both have wombs doesn't mean I share your views on anything.

I think it's kind of awesome that people can't stand the fakey-nice guy but are OK with genuine assholes. (At least they're sincere in how much they're terrible people?)

I want to believe that scene was GRRM's way of subverting HBO's gratuitous nudity  policy by making it even grosser and creepier than usual, but I don't really. But I was simultaneously bored and horrified, which is … interesting.

"naked dong"

They tried a test on both her and the actor who played Viserys. They said it looked super weird so they dropped it.

@Washizu:disqus That connection has honestly never occurred to me. I can't say you're not right, but that really never occurred to me. Hm. Something to chew on.

Sophocles84: I'm backing you on this. A lot of women are incredibly superficial when it comes to the height of the men they're with. I think they are more vocal about it than men are about tall women, but perhaps less bitter, because I think it's definitely a socially-reinforced standard. People in my office find it

I seriously don't get people who say Sansa "sold out", ESPECIALLY when we're talking about when Joffrey got maimed in the hand and Cersei exacted her bitchy revenge.

Yes. I actually thought the show was talking about that, and was cringing about THAT. Then came the Joff reveal.

Yeah, it struck me as a bit much too. I mean, I get it, she died from  crossbow! Did we need a closer shot of her breast with a bolt sticking out of it? After the Theon scene — which I watched through my hands — it was too much graphic violence in one go. If anything, the second I saw Joffrey, I knew what was

@avclub-8960b60364cfbb5ea071c2507704fb2a:disqus Do you not remember the moment when Ned Stark himself defended Sansa? He explained to an angry Arya that Sansa was caught in a difficult position, between defending her sister and her future husband. Given all we know about Joffrey, what do you think he would have done

It came off to me like Shae was playing the jealousy — like a small power play, getting Tyrion to speak to her honestly. I don't think it's a secret anywhere that Tyrion has always paid women for sex.

@Tecumseh:twitter : I've always been sort of amazed of how so many people decided it was Catelyn's fault that the war started. Besides the fact it was probably going to happen anyway, there has been a LOT of evil done since Tyrion's capture that Cat didn't facilitate. I mean, I guess the Lannisters are not responsible

I really liked it. That everything has gone so, so wrong that Cat felt like she must have been cursed by the gods. Taking the blame for everything on herself .. even the evil others chose to inflict on her family … is such a mother thing to do.

As somebody who lives in southern Ontario (Canada), let me assure you that pants don't really make you warmer. I'm much warmer wearing tights and lined boots than wearing trousers, ever.

I don't, really. It's not a response to Spielberg specifically, and I genuinely feel it's accomplished in many ways, but I think the plotline with the Mickey Mouse soldier was the worst emotional manipulation and an awful lesson. 

Right? And John Williams! What a fantastic "little" score … I remember being so in love the first time I heard it, knowing the jazzy theme came from the man known for sweeping majesty.