
Fanfic alert!!

Is that right? I think the Second Ziyal is in the first episode where they start hinting at a Garak connection. Second Ziyal doesn't look as much older than the First as the Third does (that sentence would be so cryptic…), but I think they seemed to start with her.


This was one of the reasons I kind of dug the Hirogen. I don't feel like they ever went as far with them as they might have or could have on a show like DS9, but that one of the touchstone issues about the Hirogen is that they're dying off because of their obsession is pretty compelling, and a bit poetic.

Really not just you. I'm always struck by that scene. That she knew what he'd probably do, but hoped he wouldn't. I really regret them deciding to age up the character and replace her.

When you're in a dark field with killers potentially hunting for you, leave the flashlight ON! Getting to the only obvious shelter sooner is way more important than hiding from murderers.

When you're in a dark field with killers potentially hunting for you, leave the flashlight ON! Getting to the only obvious shelter sooner is way more important than hiding from murderers.

My problem with the idea of "glorified sperm donors" is that it contradicts society's ideal expectations of fathers now. How can we tell men that they need to be equal parents when they're also just sperm donors? How do we change the ideas around paternity leave and shared childrearing when we keep saying men aren't

My problem with the idea of "glorified sperm donors" is that it contradicts society's ideal expectations of fathers now. How can we tell men that they need to be equal parents when they're also just sperm donors? How do we change the ideas around paternity leave and shared childrearing when we keep saying men aren't

My Skyfall experience (FUCK popular movies):

My Skyfall experience (FUCK popular movies):

I actually wondered this morning whether the poke about Glenn being tortured but without Ollie's humour was self-referential. Glenn/Ollie is just as cruel but much more hilarious than Glenn/the two twats.

I actually wondered this morning whether the poke about Glenn being tortured but without Ollie's humour was self-referential. Glenn/Ollie is just as cruel but much more hilarious than Glenn/the two twats.

It's my understanding that managing a minister's actual interviews (e.g. "corralling" him) is up to his political staff, not the director of comms on the bureaucratic side. She speaks for the Ministry, not the Minister's office.

It's my understanding that managing a minister's actual interviews (e.g. "corralling" him) is up to his political staff, not the director of comms on the bureaucratic side. She speaks for the Ministry, not the Minister's office.

Because she had to become the breadwinner when he had to quit because of his cancer? Then she took up managing the car wash as the front for laundering his meth money (to which we saw she took Holly while Walt was at school)?

Because she had to become the breadwinner when he had to quit because of his cancer? Then she took up managing the car wash as the front for laundering his meth money (to which we saw she took Holly while Walt was at school)?

The crazy thing is that I've read headlines about Cato being more popular. Cato is the psycho trained killer! People.

Yeah … Liam Hemsworth for me screamed "hello, I'm here for the teen ladies!" casting. Healthy glow, massive arms and chest, shiny hair. Never for a second did I think, "Here's a dustbowl resident!" Guy didn't look like he's missed a meal his whole life.

Yeah, but aside from the fact even great hunters don't catch something every day and this girl is supposed to be feeding a family of three, game meat is lean. She isn't catching fed barnyard animals, and large game seems rare. She herself says at the beginning that she hasn't seen deer for a year.