
This is a big reason I haven’t bought yet. I can’t shake the fear of putting everything I have into a house just to have to roof collapse off or something like that. (Although given my luck with neighbors, what would actually happen is a crew of pimping, drug dealing squatters would take over the house next door and

I love egg salad. I love anchovies. (Not together.) I can restrain myself from eating them until I’m home, or at least not enclosed with people who may or may not share my love but likely don’t. It’s not that hard.

I’ve worked customer service most of my life and while it makes me a good customer, it also makes me a bitch on wheels when I get bad service.

I wish they’d just ask for money. Then I can delete them and be done with it. Instead I get dude after dude telling me I’m so hot and he can’t wait to meet me, then never meeting for some bullshit reason or another (assuming he even gives one instead of just vanishing.)

Except 1/4 as coherent.

Wow, can you imagine what a David Lynch/Roseanne Barr project would actually look like? I can’t and I’m sure that’s a good thing.

It was nearly ten years ago when I was making fun of that series with a friend and I still laugh at the memory of him saying “Don’t even get me started on Jondalar the Wonder Schlong!”

Thank you.

I used to live in a part of the US where Winnipeg was the the closest “big city” so I was back and forth a fair deal. The Canadian border patrol were always friendly and pleasant while their US counterparts were surly and tried really hard to catch me in a lie. “Where do you work? What’s your supervisor’s name? Are

I deal with people I don’t approve of every day at work. Still do my job for them. Why? Because it’s my fucking job and I’m not so fragile/insane that I think doing my job will bring a plague of locusts down.

“Hey, boss! I’m not gonna do this thing at work that constitutes MY ENTIRE FUCKING JOB DESCRIPTION because my minister and stuff.”

When I was a meek young lady, the pharmacy technician loudly announced “HERE ARE YOUR BIRTH CONTROL PILLS!!!!”  I didn’t do shit at the time because I was very retiring when I was young but if that happened today, SHIT’S ON. Me and that bitch are gonna rumble. Oh, for a time machine.

I read the book when it first came out. I loved the story but the writing style reminded me of a talented teenager. I would have given it an A were I a sophomore English teacher but expected more from a middle aged academic.

I don’t cringe, but I sure as hell can’t take that person seriously.

Wouldn’t it be great if life had a “dismiss” button?

How cleaning your sink will change your life:

I remember living in a Brooklyn walkup and my kneejerk reaction to this piece’s headline was “No, it does not.”

Nobody in my social group has ever tried that “let’s split it evenly” crap and no restaurant has ever bat an eye at splitting the check. I think the latter may boil down to usually living in college towns where they’re totally accustomed to single professionals dining in groups (faculty) and brokeass college students.

A true allergy that should stay on your chart is the kind that involves IgE antibodies

After years of organic, free range everything I recently decided to spend a year just buying the cheapest of everything (food and grooming products) and see what happens.