
I’m planning a Major League/Hot Fuzz double feature this weekend.

1. I had to get three stitches after an avocado incident. 2. Holy shit, she’s 75?

You know what though? It actually never bothers me that I can’t wear flip flops, just my annoying cousin trying to debate me into wearing them because she likes them. The ones I wish I could wear but cannot: ballet flats. No skin tearing but my feet are positive they are not real shoes and angrily tell me to go find

I’ll check them out but I’ve fallen for the “these expensive flip flips are GOOD for your feet” before and the straps still tore up my feet and my feet still told me to put on some real shoes.

I can’t wear flip flops because of my high arches. My feet are like “What the fuck is this shit? We can’t work under these conditions.” And the straps tear my skin up (same with strappy shoes of any heel type). Other people think I’m insane and/or flat out lying because I find flip flops less comfortable than a good

You can have my heels when you pry ‘em off my cold, dead feet.

I just find it a more entertaining movie.

Have you considered accepting Jesus Christ as your savior? I know he’s no help with the curve ball but... .

Displaced Giants fan (northern Californian who’s now lived many other places) here. I love streaming games and seeing managers wearing parkas in June and Kruk and Kuip bitching about the heat at Pac Bell (or whatever they fuck they call it now) when it hits 75.

WTF ever happened to Sizzler?

I don’t even know if it was a chain, but it sure felt like one. If you want to see me get nostalgic, bring up the Happy Steak in Petaluma, CA circa 1981.

I’m 43 and only know one of those (Bennigans) and don’t think I ever ate there.

This female baseball fan always far preferred Major League.

I’d really rather just do a shot, then eat dessert. I’ve never been into mixing the two.

Starred for the Weekend at Bernie’s reference. I’m still grinning at the thought of Tony and Clay driving around the East Bay with Hannah’s corpse propped up in the back of the Mustang.

Is there anything that doesn’t trigger pearl-clutching around here anymore?

I was going to try to find a list of other shows the PTC has targeted but I’ll just star your comment. I’m not going to defend 13 Reasons but “the PTC hates it!” is meaningless.

Judging from these comments, actually quite a few people give a shit.

Seeing as I don’t know who the fuck that woman is, I can’t work up much outrage over this rando not knowing either.

That and the opinion of my sister-in-law’s physical therapist’s stepfather. That guy met Neil Patrick Harris once and said he shits leprechauns so it must be true.