Glockenspiel Hero

“Priuses suck.”

Hot take- the new Prius.

Prius. It’s a better car than you think in every way

Nail, meet head.

2006 Sonata. Massive electrical problems, to the point where stepping on the brake would kill every electrical system in the car down to the radio wiping its presets. Dealer managed to fix that after only 3 trips and a month of work, but it had random ABS, airbag, stability control and other faults its entire life

I was an automotive engineer at the time this test was being developed. I worked for a major automotive company in R&D and specifically in doors.

I just use a random word each time because I play for fun.

Because that's not what the meeting is about

Having actually read the law review article that serves as the backdrop of the above post, I honestly don’t think the post above does a good job of explaining what the article is all about. The fact that the headline says “and it’s working” makes it sound like they’re winning their suits, and that is absolutely not

It doesn’t take a crystal ball to see where things go from here — just a passing look at what happened a decade ago.

I work for GM, but this is my personal opinion:

Trio of cyclists: yeah, based on A) California law that requires giving 3ft of space to cyclists and B) their erratic behavior, it makes sense that the car was unwilling to make a passing maneuver. A human may have done differently, but these cars follow the law where

 I believe that it is a measurement of rice harvests per Five-Year-Plan.

First coronavirus, now blindness.

Easter Island officials further stated “We expect to have the statue back up and running in three days.”

And yet you seemed to fit very comfortably in a 2-D pane of glass with a couple other people, Zod. Get over it.

“i8 quite dead yet!”

Immigrant cars doing the work that American cars refuse to do.

Oh ffs, even here I can’t get away from this bullshit “GDQ is full of *drama*” narrative?

OK, former trucker and mechanical engineer here. I just wanted to address this kluge-job, and answer a few of your questions:

They just need to sell Ford loot boxes. For $100 a pop you can open one and hope that it has an option you want for your vehicle. It will mostly be terrible paint colors and ugly plaid patterns for your seats, but you can always hope.