
I had a mongoose with pegs

The contrast of your handle to your comment is hilarious, bordering on the absurd.

Here’s what I’ve never gotten about this whole thing. You’d think if these rules were so effing important, or even if the League had suspicions because of a call from the Colts, then every ref in charge of pregame checks would have a checklist and a game diary, and all the times, numbers and what tools they used would

I get along with most people IRL. It’s on the internet where I have problems.

I think it’s cool they now let concussion sufferers write for them AS the concussion is happening rather than waiting until after.

Came for the conspiracy theory, stayed for the Master Blaster music.

I thought he’d be used to a hotbox by now

I used to play pretty seriously. The rules are simple. The main goal is to achieve “The Queen’s Errand,” or have the most netted balls by the end of the crow’s watch. If the pepper is placed in your path, you have to wheel the cranberry using only the poetic side of your bike. The lines on the court indicate the

I believe it depends. A Jewish Zombie would be a zombie that converted to Judaism. Whereas a Zombie Jew is a Jew that has become a zombie.

No you didn't.

I will when people quoting scripture will stop prosecuting, harassing and killing gays, women and people of other religions.

The cheese stands alone, outside of the 3 point arc, watching Carmello shoot out of a triple team.

Thanks, Deadspin, but we already know that Indians always win the Spelling Bees

Translation: Ol’ Mitch’s re-election fund is kinda light at the moment.

Gotta agree on that, whenever there was an IGN newsflash with you in it - I turned it off because you were never serious nor well informed regarding anything you said... you made the Videos, the Audience and IGN look like a joke..

Sry mate but going independent is the best thing happening to IGN

Mouton also tells a similar story of when he sacked Tom Brady, and Brady told him he would, “Knock the wind out of him.”

Kent Brockman is perhaps the most underrated character on the show. The couple times they're flashing back and have him change his name to go with the times- "Kenny Brockelstein!" crack me up harder than they should.

Good thing the Phils are terrible for the foreseeable future and the years of sold out games at Citizens Bank Park are over or someone would have been killed.

How did you miss Lorenzo Cain as ‘The Great Cornholio’?