
My vote for grossest subtitle description, for sure. 

I’m just glad they let Jaqen H’ghar live, I hope he has a role to play in S5 (due out in 4 years)


My favorite subtitle was in the first episode when Mike bursts into Nancy’s paper club and asks her to play DnD, and it’s just:

Eddie won and he has to win because he can’t play anymore.

It was well deserved.

[Jason howls in agony] might be my favorite subtitle of the entire series.

I was really marveling at the subtitles a lot of time, because I couldn’t tell if whoever encoded them was really devoted to giving hearing impaired folks true immersion into the story, or just having a laugh. Sometimes it would be like five consecutive music descriptors with no actual dialog, which is a far cry from

Probably for the best for Max to get some rest & let her arms & legs heal from those brutal breaks

Don’t even get me started on Argyle.

In the end, Jason was the reason why the final gate opened: Lucas was busy with him, which meant he wasn’t there to play Kate Bush to Max when she started levitating (not to mention Jason broke the walkman). That led to Max dying, which led to the gate opening. I think the build-up to him being what ruins their plan

I wouldn’t be cheering on the “El Saved Max’s Life Parade” right now, she’s restored vital signs to the body, but is Max even in there?

The Americans used music better.

How many arrests were there in the idiot anti-vaxx trucker convoy? Since “obstruction” seems to be the crime here.

Alright, the tankies have weighed in.

Don’t they know the proper way to protest is to storm government buildings with tasers and zip ties?

I don’t know where these people get the idea that they can peaceably assemble and petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Oh please, we’re all 100x cooler than some dweeb like Ewan McGregor. He’s a Scot, the lowest of the low!

Yes! I immediately thought that as well when they mentioned they must “confront the darkness within themselves” (and it being set in Alaska of course doesn’t hurt).

Insomnia (the film) seems like a bit of an influence on this as well.