
I understand that not every movie can be filmed like Lord of the Rings and that it would be a huge financial risk and blah blah blah blah blah, but for all its strengths Dune straight-up ended mid-scene instead of having anything resembling a conclusion and it’s a fucking bummer that we have to wait this long.

IMAX is the way to see it. It’s fine on a TV, but Villeneuve was right to encourage people to see it on the biggest screen possible.

Visually it’s a clear masterpiece and one of the best sci-fi films in years. In terms of story and character, I wished it was a little lighter on its feet. If you shoot everything with the same awed reverence, at a certain point you cease to care (or at least I ceased to care). I’d have sacrificed a lot of scenes of

Pre-production can start right away; even without finishing the script, there’s a lot they’ll be able to do. The script will probably be done within a couple of months, and then actual filming will probably take a few months. Big-budget CGI tentpoles typically finish principal photography about a year before release,

Glad to see this isn’t a repeat of the reception Blade Runner 2049 received. Haven’t seen it yet, but my love for the cast and Villeneuve makes me happy the deserving parties have gotten a win. 

No clue about her movies. All I know is I just clicked on a notification in my profile and it actually correctly took me to the linked comment.

Forgettable? Gladiator, Interstellar, TDK, Man of Steel say otherwise. You definitely hear the latter two reused a lot online.

He’s a producer on the film (the question remains how much of an active producer he was, but this is still ultimately production’s fault) and was the one who pulled the trigger. Trolls are gonna troll regardless, Alec Baldwin is still a huge part of this story.

I think you’re comically overestimating Villeneuve’s pull with the studio.

Someone did a Batman v. Superman trailer that mixed Adam West’s Bats with Chris Reeves’ Supes that worked better than this.

I mean, I can infer from context that it’s some sort of machine that makes kettle corn. Like I’m not a complete idiot.

Cancelled?? But there are so many questions left unanswered, like “Who thought this was a good idea?” and “What the fuck is AppleTV+?”

And the hill rather looks like the one that used to be the default Windows background image

I think it will get nominations at the very least. It has that awards-baiting combination of violence, cynicism and unlikeable characters wrapped in a ‘Prestige’ package. All the elements of Breaking Bad without that special.. something that made BB great instead of just OK.

And they’re both weird looking and boring, too!