
I watched Heartburn for the first time a couple of years ago. It was really hard to think of all she endured and then she goes onto write such beautiful romances. 

I agree. Amy Adams is beautiful and I thought her performance in Enchanted was extraordinary. She brought so much wonder and grace to the role. I think she gave a stronger performance than Emma Stone in La La Land. Maybe I feel that way because I didn’t enjoy the ending of La La Land and Emma’s singing was a little

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Hilariously (to me, probably not to her) my enduring image is of her as the slutty bimbo cheerleader from Drop Dead Gorgeous. The next thing I remember seeing her in was Catch Me If You Can and let out a little “Go Muskies!” which no one understood. She’s been a treasure since day 1.

Good beyond belief in American Hustle. And check out that cast:

I would argue that Enchanted was Oscar worthy as well.

I would argue that Enchanted was Oscar worthy as well.

Her performance in arrival was close to her best. It was just some oscar bait movies that took that from her...bullshit though. 

The other piece is how the exploitative upper crust is always shown as an alien force out of New York City or New England sophisticates.

Yeah, Arrival. That movie’s a masterpiece and Adams was just phenomenal in it. If she kept making movies that were anywhere close to the quality of Arrival, I wouldn’t care if she never wins an Oscar. Everyone already know she’s really good at what she does.

I grew up in mid/down-state New York (45 minutes west of Kingston) and it was absolutely an economically depressed town with a reliance, and deep grudge, toward city people who kept the economy afloat. That is often paired with a rejection of anything they view as even vaguely “intellectual.” To this day, it remains

When people talk about the “it” factor, you can just point at Amy Adams. After bouncing around in one-off parts on Buffy and Smallville, it takes something special to score a movie with Leo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks and proceed to steal every scene you’re in.

Well, it’s not like you need an extra fork to eat steamed hams.

she should have won for Arrival, wasn’t even nominated :(

I find it funny when people use the phrase “from new york”, as in “a reporter from new york, as some sort of short hand for urban sophistication and privilege. I also grew up in an economically depressed town full of blue collar workers who did probably know about extra forks but just didnt see the point. That town was

Once Deafy was dead, Z and S were a liability. If set loose, they could be caught any day

That’s because heart disease and cancer are two of the most common diseases in the world. A hospital specializing in poisonings wouldn’t have enough business to keep it open, especially for inpatients. I think it is more likely that Dr Harvard’s hospital doesn’t have a toxicologist on staff (good reason for Oreatta to

Loy ordered them dead, for the same reasons Odis told Deafy—when you order a federal agent dead because he rubbed your nose in the death of your son you can’t have that coming back on you. Once Deafy was dead, Z and S were a liability. If set loose, they could be caught any day, and tell the cops the story about how a

I think it was more basic than reputation -- he didn’t want them getting away and coming for revenge. Which I’m sure is coming up now.

Tying up loose ends, I’m guessing he wasn’t lying to Deafy about that. Just that he didn’t mention that Deafy was one of them.

I love it as an unintentional time capsule of the late 1990s — a time when the Internet was new and exciting and when the negative effects of it (Amazon and other online stores killing physical retail; the toxic nature of social media) weren’t yet apparent.