
It’s funny to me that Avatar and Justice League get a shit-ton of negative attention, yet both are talked about—albit badly—while Avengers:Endgame is completely forgotten. All three movies are mediocre, yet it’s only Avatar and Justice League, the lesser of the 3, that are still talked about now.

One of the bright spots of this awful pandemic has been John Krasinski’s Some Good News

“Dr Emilio Lizardo sits on the couch with his dog drinking whiskey and watching TV” has been bought by the A.Viacom Club Replies Network. Dr. Lizardo will be replaced with a Russian bot.

What is a Jim? 

Yes offense to the CIA, because fuck the CIA.

Tenet as well is the kind of film that demands to be seen immediately due to the entire mystery of it. So a traditional platform release probably wouldn’t really work. Tenet is also an expensive and risky movie, that’s being basically sold purely on Nolan’s immense reputation. We’ll see if it holds the date, but I

People think Michael Jordan is overrated? Who and where? I get thinking he’s an asshole (because oh man is he ever!) but overrated?

I have him filed under self-loathing liberal who feels a need to please an imagined audience of heartland simpletons.

The 70mm projection, hack, hack, reaffirmed my belief in, phlegm, the superiority of film over, wheeze, digital.  

I can see it now, headlines come late July:
“Worth it” says young man on life support with 4,000 Letterboxd reviews

Calling it now. This is the fourth Nolan Batman universe film.

“I’m a perfectionist, so they all hate me.”

Chapter 5: The time Bridget Moynihan left me for a supermodel while I was pregnant.

Spoiler: the documentary reveals that Brady’s main character flaw is he works too hard.

It takes a special kind of self-centered asshole to produce a nine-part hagiography about yourself. Maybe the chapter on 18-1 will be fun.

Closet republican? He had a lead role in the Benghazi movie.

I tuned in once, figuring JK seems like a funny guy so maybe it won't be sickly sweet and corny. I lasted about 5 minutes.

I don't like this fucking guy.

*smirks at camera while holding large bag with dollar sign on it*