I didn't know it could have been a mink D: That's terrible. I thought the little critter might have been a ferret or weasel, but now that you've mentioned it, the fence thing is making me feel awful. Sorry if I made you feel sad :(
I didn't know it could have been a mink D: That's terrible. I thought the little critter might have been a ferret or weasel, but now that you've mentioned it, the fence thing is making me feel awful. Sorry if I made you feel sad :(
I am a book plebeian, but I get you. I remember trying to find The Rainbow Fish in Hardback (because I might be an immature person-child, but I am not entirely classless here.) and I couldn't get it anywhere and I just gave up reading because I was so dissapointed. Couldn't even bring myself to re-read the Invocation…
But I am finicky sending my photos out to "talent consultants" because of all the horror stories, plus, I am admittedly naive about everything to do with workforce thingys. I found the post on a popular employment site and I googled the persons name and they came up on linkedin with 3 contacts, so I guess I should…
I don't think you ever really "know" when you're depressed. You can evaluate your moods and how differently you feel about things, but at least for me, I can never be cognizant of my depression symptoms or inner anxiety. But chances are if the physical manifestations are affecting you in a noticeable or uncontrollable…
Welcome to the club! Sadness unemployment high-five! (It's where you high-five your computer screen and then wipe it with your sleeve until it smudges because you can no longer afford those fancy computer screen no-smudge wipes and then you crawl into a crouching position in a corner and stay there until your legs…
Bueno bar all the way. Twix, White Knight and Kit Kats are cool, but Bueno gets it every time.
So I applied online for a call for models and now someone e-mailed me back asking for a head shot/full body shot and my name, age, contact phone number and the state I live in. I honestly didn't think they would e-mail me back, but they have and I don't know if I should e-mail them or not.
Just to throw it out there: You can also use bleach on your clothes (you can splatter or you can paint on a rough design). But just make sure the material is 100% natural fiber like cotton and not synthetic as bleach wont take to those materials well.
Okay, can it do cool tricks? Is it insured? Do I have to attach it to myself or can it be a dismembered thing that I carry around with me? If I HAVE to attach it to myself, will you include some testicles so I can have it on my wrist and shoot it like Spiderman? But what of my vulva? Do I get to keep it or do I have…
I'm wary of Neutrogena products after I used a facewash and it burned the fuck out of my skin and gave me dermatitis.
I don't think so. I only use the gel once a day and I only moisturize with some aloe vera gel when I'm flaky.
I'll trade you my AA cups for your Bs AND your cellulite AND your varicose veins.
Does anyone have any tips on how to get rid of mild acne and stuff?
"Change it up once in a while and wear some fucking mascara..."
Liking philosophic writings or Kafka or whatever doesn't make one pretentious, it's when you think, or try to prove that liking those things makes you better than everyone else just because, is when you get pretentious. So you're fine :D
Ha, only once. But they pronounced it "Neeecht-schee", which is especially hilarious since they and I both have a German heritage and they were trying to out-German me (if that is even a thing).
I love Charlize. Not only cuz she's a bucket and a half full of awesome, but because I pronounce Nietzsche as "Neat Sashay", "Nein Eatz Cheesey" or "Night Stick" every chance I can.
Raccoon owns Panda.
Mine does that. But there's also some shadow trickery involved with the cover hand.
See: Reaction.