
"And I still think that recognizing this problem and the need to educate oneself does - even in a world still as fucked up as ours - not warrant the gold star of forgiveness after making such a disgusting joke in a space that is frequently visited by people who have been raped."

No "These bitches is my sons"?

Nicki Minaj is not and should not be a "feminist icon". Just because she says so, it does not make it so. But if anyone wants to prove me wrong, please feel free.

I know, right? This list had so much POTential...

Okay, so first - be proud of getting over your ED. From one internet stranger to another: You fucking rock.

I used to watch season 1 when it aired over here! What did you think of how they handled Sammy's (it was Sammy I think?) sexuality?

What? What?

Woah, neato!

I used to, hell, I still struggle with an ED and I know where you're coming from. When I feel "lighter" I just feel like I can navigate the world better and I have more confidence. I know the feeling of wanting to change to impress guys and as much as someone can tell you "any dude who wouldn't want you when you're

That is exactly why I grow mine out. I swear it's the silkiest hair on my entire body and I will not let the satisfaction of stroking it all day and night be taken away from me.

I'd like to add this gif for some extra articulation on the matter. This song is so popular and it makes me so angreh.

Whatever, haters. This book is so green. Like, kale green.

"...but he sti came home with me every night. No harm no foul. "

I kind of wanted her foot to fall off. Like, the entire time I was just waiting for that. It made it exciting.

Yes. All my old friends in High School had developed and I was just stuck feeling really immature. Then as I got older, they just didn't grow more and I felt bummed.

I wanted Harley Quinn to be in the new Batman film so much. She's the only comic book character I ever really got into. They could have made her a more independent character too and she would be ass-kickingly crazy and awesome and insane. Sigh.

Why does this bother me? Does "hottest chick of the year" or whatever covers in men's magazines ever feature a dude model trying to seduce the reader?

It could be smegma - I only found out about it a few days ago and I it was like oh thank god this is a thing and I'm not "gross".

That ad is such bullshit. First, he tackles his mother and then when he asks if SHE is worried about him she's all like "yeah, you're not as tough as I am", like 'omg, I am such a tough awesome woman for not having an abortion and to carrying a baby full term and give birth'. Such bullshit.

I love it when I see people who are a little nervous when they're presenting, then relax as it goes on or when the crowd laughs. It makes them more relatable and earnest in my mind :)