
Yeah, I don't really see how bo-po is related to gel manicures, they're kind of the opposite end of the spectrum in my mind (or is that the point of the rant??)

Excuse me, but Gel Manicures? First peel-off nail polish and now this? Bah! You cannot have everything! Convenience comes with a price and you shall pay it either in inferior quality product or death spades!

And why wouldn't you when "The crown jewels" metaphors/double entendres are literally endless!

I first thought you were referencing Kate ("That's DUCHESS To You" Middleton) instead of Katy Perry and my mind threw up a little bit... This is still sick, but not as perverted, so carry on.

I respect you, Olivia Wilde and I see you as more than just a sexy, sexy person, but to me you will always be that rockin' chick who taught Marissa Cooper about the wonderful layers of sexuality (even though your character just kissed her a bunch of times because the producers knew a thing or two about marketing, but

I'm with you. I just buy cheap jeans and they fit/wear no worse than expensive ones. I feel like I'm betraying the tradition of jeans (whatever the hell that is - I made it up just now) by not getting a "proper" pair, but I figure as long as they fit okay, why pay $100 just for a brand name.

This comment make me wheeze-laugh for a minute straight. You win the internet today, my friend!

Also (because I love him so).

Woo! And I shall photobomb the photobomb!


That Dameon Lindelof tweet is all too true after finding out that ear-piercing guns are actually dangerous because they can't be sterilized properly.

I do that all the time! I don't have hearing problems or anything, but it all started one day in science class when we were watching "Night At The Museum" (don't ask) and instead of turning the volume up, the teacher put subtitles on instead. From that day on I was hooked.

Not exactly, but I think I was one of the few who wanted to see more of him during the wedding. Gosh is he pretty.

I'm late to the party, but does anyone remember a movie called "Coming Soon" with Bonnie Root and Ryan Reynolds?

Back-pack sloth?!

Australia, but it was my Canadian teacher who suggested it.

I know it's been said downthread, but just to reiterate:

Ha, I flop Jez's ears down and pretend she's a labrador sometimes.

She'll play along for a while, but she'll get annoyed if I try and get her to look at the camera and stuff. I think it all depends on the timing :)

Gross, he sounds awful.