
That’s what the most enraging about that slogan. As someone from Louisiana (who recently moved because my higher ed job got cut thanks to his brutal gutting of public college budgets), his state is in complete budgetary crisis. He gutted and privitized popular social programs and cut taxes saying it would benefit the

Well if it’s what you’re mostly, right now I am a proud Guacamole-American (no peas)

Hate to tell you, but the woman who threatened to sue Mila has dropped the lawsuit.

Kim is pregnant w marionette barack obama?!?!!?

Yo, this cat looks like Joe Biden, not Obama.

Stellar Midweek Madness as always; however, I must take issue with Kitty the tabby thinking she resembles the President. No one from Florida looks presidential. Hear that Jeb and Marco? NO. ONE.

I thought it was Naya Rivera.


I couldn’t give a hoot’s toot whether Kim identifies as feminist or not. I mean, good for her, but still. Whatever.

My husband texted me last night with one of these pics and “I wish I was a Girl Scout!” Ok, creepy 38 year old man. It was cute though.

She has a Girl Scout green mani! <3 <3 <3

I love seeing pictures of them because they are the only political couple where you can see real affection. How they look at each other, body language, etc.. Makes me happy

It should be noted that O’Neill is an interim superintendent, retired from Chatham, who then worked as an interim in West Orange. Why, you ask?

ughhhhh.....there are so many confounding variables here that this study (as reported) is all but useless. this is (one of the many, many) reasons why social science is getting so much flack lately. it’s forgetting how to science.

Someone thought it should exist, but no one really knew why.

Now playing

Second black soloist, as you said, but also the first in over twenty years.

Now playing

I think I even went out and bought “Under Armor” because of this:

I live in the town in Colorado bud light had their whatever event in last year - you should have went. They had people come into town friday night and they all left sunday morning. Bud light put on a fun event, my wife and I ended up with the same wristbands the ‘contestants’ had, so we had free everything that

Would they have been legally obligated to follow those instructions? Seems like they could have just accepted the donation, did whatever they wanted with it, and made a public statement about the situation. That being said, I am proud of them for standing by their principles.

I have a lot of fitness peeps on my facebook feed, the ones from the US seem to be more on the conservative side of the aisle. I’ve seen several of them coming out in support of Trump since he made his announcement.