
I do! It's amazing. True story: When my husband and I were moving across the country and buying a home, a laundry room to accommodate the catbox was one of the most important things we looked for. Our fuzzy princess would say that we had our priorities in order.

This is exactly how my catbox works. The technology exists!

If she's techie or travels a lot, you might find something nice at Levenger. Almost all of their items can be engraved, which I always like. I purchased one of their tablet stylus/pen things for my father-in-law last year and had his name put on it. Additionally, their leather bags and iStuff holders are very nice

I read this as Bellatrix Potter and thought: Did Harry and Ginny name one of their children Bellatrix?? That seems like an odd choice. Maybe it's fanfic. No, that would be super-duper weird. OH BEATRIX. I can't read.

The sale racks at WHBM is where it's at. Also, sign up for their emailed coupons (they send a ton, though, so use your filters). You can combine your 30% off emailed coupon with their 40% off rack discount. Happy shopping! :-)

That's all I know about this game, too! Granted, I was introduced to it by a 2 year old, so she probably didn't understand the concept of "nurturing" the cat. She just punched him repeatedly so he would fall over. She also liked drenching him in the bathroom shower. Kids are weird.

Awww! She's so sweet and cuddly looking!

Same. Here's my Mia:

I liked the one from Scott and Mitch of Pentatonix.

My light veggie side this year is apricot green beans. Just saute the green beans in a little olive oil/butter for 5-6 minutes (depending on size and your firmness preferences) and then toss with two spoonfuls of apricot preserves (toss the beans with the jelly in the pan for about a minute to let everything melt and

Thank you for this story. I totally imagined a frustrated T-rex trying to stack bricks with his tiny, useless arms.

Where did he get the mercury?

I think refusing to treat the problem as some sort of "relationship test" was an indication that he was going to keep testing you. Good job recognizing the warning sign and getting out.

Why didn't he just go inside the gas station?! This is horrifying.

All those blond ladies on Fox are pretty interchangeable.

Even though I looked it up and know for sure that the lyrics aren't "Starbucks lovers," it's all I hear. Every. Time.

Thank you!! This is an important point. Stats reflecting the number of eligible voters by age verses actual voters by age would be more accurate.

The Member Reviews for this are amazing. *Added to queue*

Thank you for sharing your story.

Aww that was early. They've been giving out better gifts to the audience recently.