if 4 door is faster than 2 door, it stands to reason I need me a 6 door car... 8 even
if 4 door is faster than 2 door, it stands to reason I need me a 6 door car... 8 even
I agree.
Sa Majesté.
Or he just had to make the Speed Buggy sounds into a mic the whole way up.
I laughed at “fuck this, I’m out” like a moron in my office alone. One of my coworkers came down the hall to see if I was alright.
This one is still my favorite:
Haha, completely! They’re always the shade of morning fog.
Talking about tC owners, aren’t you?
I prefer Scooty Puff Sr., The Doom Bringer
It’s also possible that playing international football just takes too much time away from Messi’s greatest passion:
Scooty Puff Jr. suuuuuuuuuuuucks
Go big or go home...
I hope that one day all of mankind will depend on me and a Scooty Puff Jr!
Wait. People actually use #merica in a non-sarcastic way? I’ve only ever seen it used to make fun of people like her. Not used *by* people like her. I need a moment to process this.
You joke, but remember this meme?
This was the best part
How to know if you bought the wrong car ? Easy.