
I tend to think that a lot of these people, even if they’re sort of suspicious or think they’re getting duped... any press is good press and they all just want to feel important and be on TV. It seems counterintuitive, but it seems like in 2018, Cohen has MORE chances of landing these interviews than he did 15 years

Well duh. They were socialist facists, hence liberals.

The sport is essentially dead here in the U.S.

I am a 68 year old white male resident of Chicago and small business owner and political activist who has only ever been robbed by white male police officers. I have kept records and those robberies have totaled almost $300,000. Whenever one of the officers tries to inflict violence on me the other officers say “don’t,

I wanted to fight with you about considering an accusation of pedophilia “fair game”, but then I saw how you spelled “heroes” and realized you were a complete imbecile and not worth anyone’s time.  

Your comment is the stuff of a madman’s dreams...

I think that one problem with modern society is that there used to be a lot of layers between the public and the insane behaviof of rich people, so it was only either consistent patterned behavior or particularly eggregious behavior that made it into the public mind. Now a days a rich person can fire off a tweet from

That’s not 27% more likely, that’s 27 times more likely. It’s okay that you got it wrong though, reading comprehension is hard, and Math is just one of those Liberal conspiracies, like most education.

The amount of people butthurt over your review is pure comedy. “Can you speak to that discrepancy JASON?!”. You have them in fits over every single line. 

Unfortunately, in the United States, that’s actually a large contingent of Israel’s supporters. Our Bible Belt is HUGE and out of it’s goddamn mind.

Jalopnik now sponsored by the American Tort Lawyers Association.

You left out a faction among the hard-line pro-Israel group - Machiavellian evangelists who still believe all the Jews will burn in Hell, but will fight tooth and nail for them to get Israel because they believe that is a keystone to setting off their fantasies of rapture and apocalypse.

Oh my God, that last segment snapped my head back. I shouldn’t have been as surprised as I was. Gun nuts are truly in a league of their own - you get a sense they would shoot their own mother in the head if you whispered “Constitution” enough times.

even sadder is that they’re being killed to feed the superstitions of a bunch of morons in Asia who believe rhinoceros horn has magical healing powers.

And then things would have reached a whole new level of awkwardness when they realized they were in the same yoga class.

Dude if a car company just made a whole advertising campaign out of it’s regular family cars destroying older Ferrari’s.  I think it would work very well!    

Still, the police department said that the woman did the right thing by calling them, encouraging others to say something if they see something.

We here in the States thank you and everyone else who let our doddering dickhead-of-state know EXACTLY  what they thought of him.

There’s certainly an element of that. Another part of it’s just the fandom being crazy and thinking Japanese = awesome.