
Clean coal is like healthy cigarettes.

I have a feeling that even the congressional GOP intelligentsia knows how stupid this would be. 

Symmetra is actually pretty fuckin boss powered up by Ana.

Make racists afraid again.

I have never heard of women playing games not meant for girls being bullied. 

No, that’s throwing unnecessary confusion on the issue. The fact of vaccines and their benefits isn’t really up for debate. That’s the issue. There’s no need to muddy the waters by casting doubt on schedules and the like because people are using that to question the validity of vaccines themselves.

Lee is widely regarded to be an honorable man who was respected by both sides, and I don’t think he deserves condemnation.

Lee is widely regarded to be an honorable man who was respected by both sides, and I don’t think he deserves condemnation.

Obama isn’t a demagogic asshole who cynically uses the worst, most base impulses of people to propel him to power.

You might not think of it as an open invitation to bash your beliefs, but if you have unbelievably stupid beliefs, and then you write them out for everyone to see, guess what’s going to happen…

He is not allowed to think for himself. He just does what Jesus/God tell him to do. You know, those voices in his head.

Poe’s Law man. Who can tell and does it even matter anymore? open with “I love science” and then go on to dispute evolution?

Squirrel Girl confirmed to lead the Avengers 5 years from now. Better hurry up and put her in MCU.

Hi, do you have a moment to talk about Titanfall 2?

You’re literally arguing in defense of war crimes. That is disgusting.

It’s an MG42 with motorcycle parts added to it, what are you guys talking about BARs and M60s?

The Wild Storm #1—...Wildstorm returns...Angela Spica... the Wildstorm universe... (Warren Ellis)

Guys, you keep doing this, and it’s driving me nuts! I’m going to have to start charging you!

I’m stunned that you didn’t add “Nick Fury Vs SHIELD”, a limited series where it turned out that all of the LMDs at SHIELD and HYDRA had become sentient, started calling themselves “Deltites”, and were secretly stage-managing the constant battle between SHIELD and HYDRA to justify spending money on building more and