Glen Perkins: coffee is for closers

Cyclists and cops - two groups that often think they are above the law and are loved only by their own kind.

No love for Mexico? There’s a goddamn eagle fighting a snake on a cactus! It may as well be an album cover for a metal band!

It speaks volumes when the eye patch is only the third dumbest tattoo on one’s head/face.

Pictured: Rob Gronkowski working out with Juggs machine during the offseason.

Gronk is the exact perfect antidote for a league plagued with the disease of taking itself WAY TOO SERIOUSLY. God Bless that sonofabitch...

I think it's Prince

Nick Offerman is my spirit animal.

I would rather watch Chopped reruns every week than Jaguars Hard Knocks.

Money. Big athletic bodies. Fame-by-association. Gold digging.

“these nuts!”

“I gotta get my larinex fixed.”

Honestly, before I scrolled down, I thought it was because the bird is in blackface.

He was the oldest base jumper in the world and started skydiving at age 62. He had a V8 commercial. He jumped over 5000 times. He also picked up wing walking. You can look at his Facebook page and see how great a person he was. He was my uncle and I miss him dearly.

Sounds like that was $200,000 well spent...

You were definitely in the minority of Minnesotans who hated him for going to Boston.

Baseball is so much more fun now that real, top tier pitching is back in force. I love it.

“if like most people, you don’t constantly carry around a reusable/ portable water bottle”

Okay, who were those two ladies at the beginning, and why do they look like they just got done swimming.

eye agree

*Holds envelope to head*