
Dunno but i think that's Andy Serkis' voiceover in the trailer

Oh I've felt it, i've very much felt the awakening (please lord let this movie not suck)

I like that one of the Amazon recommendations is an O'Brien figure from Deep Space Nine. What's the connection? Is he the Yellow King?!

What a genuinely great interview. I was already looking forward to The End of the Tour but now I really need to see it. Also want to check out that Charlie Rose interview with DFW tonight

Queen City? I would've accepted Hogtown, T.Dot, Torunna, or The Six. (Eyeroll on the last one)

I'll take that too!

Between this and Rick and Morty's return, it's a goddam embarrassment of riches

Am I going crazy here? How is everyone's answer not The Last Guardian?!? The only logical explanation is that it's not cancelled and will actually be released

I spent five minutes or so staring at that pic wondering if the device was the doohickey from the first Avengers or the whatsitcalled from Age of Ultron

This is such an inspired, insane movie that seems to have sprung directly from Bakshi's brain. It's said often, but this is really the type of film that doesn't get made anymore. It also led me to a have a bad trip 15 years ago when I tried to watch it and the characters came out of the TV to menace me. Fun times!

God help us all. Let's pray that Spider-Man's in better hands now, as even the "cool skateboarder who immediately breaks promises" iteration from the recent films wasn't much better than what's pitched here

This news is almost as great as a pill that gives worms to ex-girlfriends!

Having just seen the film, it's interesting to come back here and find these comments which provide additional context. I'm frankly a little amazed that Reinke would subject himself to the q &a's (although I'm sure the questions were polite)

They're fun live. Danko is like a lizard on a hot plate, in a good way

His interview on the Nerdist podcast was similarly eye-opening. I highly recommend it

Yeah, the horror room had great ambience. The fantasy room was structurally cool, but once again lacking a bit in terms of content. It had Bowie's Jarreth costume from Labyrinth though, crotch bulge and all!

Great report! The Experience Music Project is fantastic, although their sci-fi section was a little thin so it's nice to see it beefed out with the (temporary) Star Wars exhibit

This interview is a goddamn gift and I thank you AV Club