
The Worst Idea of All Time podcast sounds horrifying and intriguing. Those guys must be masochists of the highest order. Also, I like that they haven't even seen the first one:…

Yesss Predestination was a lot of fun! Even after you unravel the twist it's neat to see them construct the elaborate house of cards. I reckon it deserves a re-watch

Based on In Bruges (which, yeah, is kind of a comedy/drama) I'd agree

Even though the authors warn against it and they're all apparently "so-bad-it's-bad", which of these are you now motivated to see? I have to check out Winter's Tale, which sounds bananas and has Will Smith as The Devil, plus Colin Farrell has magnificent Snape-like HAIR CURTAINS

I… really like this. It's weird and funny and (maybe?) self aware