
Seems like the making of Jane Got a Gun would be better than the movie itself. Or maybe it'd just be boring contract negotiations (like the Star Wars prequels, zing!)

What the… We don't say sophomore and senior in Canada, we refer to the grades by number. It goes without saying that Kevin Smith has lost the plot, but if he's going to fetishize Canada at least do it right (a la Kroll Show's Wheels Ontario aka The Best Thing Ever)

[shakes fist at sky furiously]

John Mulaney is my favourite Baby-Faced Chicagoan Roman Catholic / Elderly New York Jew

I liked Crystal Fairy (I think the obnoxiousness of the characters was the point?) but can't imagine ever seeing Nasty Baby. Care to [SPOILER ALERT] spoil this supposed trainwreck ending for us? [EDIT] okay, there we go

show me Tayne

'Tis a fine moustache on Watson


Well I guess not having a letter grade forces the reader to engage with the review (which is great), but I like some kind of summary. For all the site's faults, I actually like Kotaku's system at the bottom of reviews.

I do miss the grades on games. I'm going to guess that Mad Max would've earned a B-/C+

Soooo…. it's mediocre?

Yeah, it's not even so much the space, it's that I want the second iteration of the system with the kinks worked out.

This a pretty educated group. I'm dying to play MGS5 and want to buy a PS4, but feel like Sony is on the verge of releasing a new 1TB (or more) version of the system. Any thoughts on when it will drop? Or has it already been announced and I've missed it?

Re-fucking-joice! Same showrunners and everything

Green Room was absurdly intense, I can't wait to see what he does next

[SPOILER] It was two years ago but the nicest guy in the movie is killed in the worst way possible. Tied down, eyes plucked, limbs hacked off and eaten. Death is a release after what they do. There's a lot of build towards it and the practical effects are incredible. The rest of the movie doesn't come anywhere close

I saw this at TIFF Midnight Madness and remember being unsettled by it (especially that whopper of a kill, maybe the meanest and most gruesome ever put to film). Yeah his politics are ugly, his humour juvenile (which worked best in Cabin Fever I'd say) and his movies on the nose, but they inspire a reaction and I'd

I do not think not, that is to say, I believe in the power of Bale's goofy accents

Haley Atwell for President, Prime Minister and sure, Doctor Who as well!

When the fudge is this coming to Toronto? Why wasn't it given a wide day-and-date VOD 5000 screen release?!