Glenn is Dead

Says the tolerant one.

I don’t think they know that though. It’s almost like every death/resurrection is a unique event and no one ever connects the dots.  Maybe Deadpool does, but no one else. 

Still better than Justice League.

Next week on The Walking Dead: Because 2 full seasons weren’t enough... All Out War Returns!

I just don’t buy it.

As a Vikings fan, Mike McCarthy is the best thing to ever happen the NFC North.  McCarthy being fired would be my worst nightmare.

It’s a yin/yang situation. Rodgers is so good that the Packers will always be decent enough for McCarthy to keep his job. McCarthy is so bad that Rodgers may never win another Super Bowl. So Rodgers’ talent is basically supporting the person who’s holding him back.  McCarthy should have been fired last year after

He doesn’t need receivers.  He needs a defense.

Wuh? It usually shows exactly what they were doing in the previous panels.  I don’t think I’ve ever read an issue where Batman was beating up a random person with no explanation.

Even when he fights street criminals, how often is it against people stealing food to feed their families? It’s usually against violent multiracial gang members.

The scary thing is Nebraska doesn’t look like they have improved on anything since the first game.  Same mistakes, different opponent.  It’s only going to get harder from here.

The problem with this review is you went 30 layers deep on a 2 layer episode.

How are the Vikings not the right team?  They could have won a game against Aaron Rodgers at Green Bay.  That doesn’t happen often.  Why wouldn’t he want to be on a super bowl contender?  

Sorry, but no one will ever have a more Texas name than Colt McCoy.  It’s a crime he didn’t play for the Cowboys.  Or did he?  I can’t keep track.

Agreed, but it still wasn’t a great movie. Let’s face it, being the first female-led superhero movie earned it a ton of attention. Very few people would dare give it negative reviews. Other than that, there was really nothing special about it. If it were say, the 10th female-led superhero movie, it would not have been

X-Men in their own universe = $150b - $200b domestic gross

Blame the left.  You are the ones that have created this culture, and now you’re mad that the right is using it against you.  Gunn was fired to avoid all the faux outrage by the PC crowd, not because of ‘enough lies to make it a huge issue all of a sudden’.

Get out of here with your “facts” and “structured arguments”. We know all corporations are evil and mergers exist only to consolidate power and steal more money from consumers.

As someone who detests the whole climatic battle against the army of generic drones (ultron, chitauri, outriders, zombie asgardians, etc.), a mega-ultron would have made this movie infinitely better. I would much rather see a battle against a single enemy who outclasses the heroes.

This website makes a living on people complaining when a person gets shot after committing a crime.