Oh, that.
Oh, that.
But, wait. I thought America was a just a bunch of sexists. If that’s the case, why would Elizabeth Warren do any better?
I keep reading that he bragged about sexually assaulting women. When did he say that?
My prediction: Hillary will jump out to a huge lead early. Trump will catch up when Republicans get off work.
Don’t worry. There are probably only 4 more episodes until the 3 month mid-season break.
The movie bombed. It killed the franchise before it ever got off the ground. What is there to be butthurt about? Sticks and stones and such...
Wrong. This isn’t butthurt. This is gloating that the movie sucked and the SJW’s will need to find another ‘equality’ case to rally around.
Yes, but it’s not the people you think.
She’s playing the sex card because that’s what Gizmodo staff does now. Their news stories are all about Political Correctness instead of, you know, technology. FWIW, I hear guys say suck my dick to other guys far more than girls. There’s nothing sexist about it. Sophie seems to have been raised by a man hater that…
Especially when she finds out Darryl has been kidnapped.
Sure, things are great in the kingdom...for now. Wait until they get involved with Rick’s group and everything goes to shit. It seems to be the overarching theme in TWD. Rick is the zombie rot in the Kingdom’s pigs stomachs.
Guilty as charged.
Again, political correctness versus actual matters of national security. Not even in the same ballpark.
No, you missed the point. Trump’s scandals involve him saying mean and non-politically correct things. Trump university. Taking advantage of legal tax laws to avoid income taxes. Hillary’s scandals involve national security while running the freaking State Department. It’s not really the same thing at all.
Sadly, you’re probably right. However, my statement stands.
Hacks can happen multiple times. You can’t, however find emails that have been permanently deleted. It was a joke to remind people of Clinton’s criminal acts and corruption. It’s beyond me how people can support her despite the numerous scandals, but are against Trump because he said mean things.
Hillary will go in with another reset button and make everything all better. It worked so well last time.
No, he didn’t. You are completely delusional and will look for any way to spin US and Russian relations against Republicans. Democrats have held the executive branch for 8 years. Get over it.
So now you idiots aren’t just trolling incorrect spelling and grammar, but correct grammar as well?