
Called the stinger because it has pointy enough edges to pop its own tyres? I swear Kia design their vehicles by letting everyone in the company add an angle.

The rear has me thinking Audi. The front KIA and I guess BMW. But it definitely is heavily Audi influenced.

All chaps are assless. but I get what you’re saying. Kia dealerships are tremendously bad. 

Kia has come a long way. But this is just a poor man’s Alfa Romeo Guila, which is a rich man’s Kia Optima. So there.

Would honestly love to take a look at that, if it wasn’t for the fact that practically all U.S. Kia dealerships are the worst hellholes to have a parking lot. My experiences rank it close to somewhere between walking around a prison in assless chaps and sawing off my own leg.

The rear has too much Maserati...

I like to think you’re about to be the subject of a univision-wide email about wasting Getty Image licenses.

There was never supposed to be another challenger in the Democratic primary. Hillary was their chosen one many years ago for 2016, and if Sanders hadn’t come out of nowhere (not unlike the way Trump did, by the way), the primary would have been Hillary, Webb, O’Malley, and whathisface with the frog puppets from Rhode

Would you stop with this already. She got rolled in the only election that counts.

Because Hillary Clinton personally kicked in Bernie Sanders’s teeth in the primary, winning by 4 million votes.

California is a state dude.

I’m old enough to remember being told that Sanders just isn’t electable.

Maybe if more candidates hadn’t been strong armed to the side before it even got started. Maybe if an actual visible debate schedule had been created. Maybe if all the major donors hadn’t been funneled towards the favored candidate.

But that’s not really a good enough explanation for why she lost. I mean, by every measure taken, Trump was the only Presidential candidate even more unpopular than HRC was, yet he still won.

Because the DNC is a shitty organization that is run by moronic party leaders that have absolutely no grasp on the values that their voting base desires in a candidate and instead gives someone a lifetime participation award in the form of a mismanaged and negligently uninformed presidential campaign?

The DNC torpedoed Sanders. There were a couple emails and news stories floating around about it a few months ago.

Had Elizabeth run I could have cast a vote for a nationalist, a populist, a thoughtful and honorable person who carries with her no sense of superiority or pretension. She is noble in her actions and usually in her words. Hell, she wrote a personal finance book that is still working its way through my mind.

Gee, the one unifying theme in all these was a dislike and mistrust of Hillary. Something much of the left agrees with. Someone remind me why the DNC pretty much anointed her as the nominee again?

I was dissapointed that they are approximately the same age. I was hoping for a 60yo dude with a 22 yo wife.