
I was trying to figure out if this was real, because OMG, that is terrible form and I would be shocked to learn that this was someone who was a pro.

Rhonda Rousey dodges punches better than you troll. the microwave...?!?

Nice catch on 80k’s comment, you’re quite the voracious reader.

Yeah, all the people who talk about her bright future outside of MMA seem to forget she’s just not very likable as a person. Being the unstoppable force in the octagon was her sole selling point and now that’s just irreversibly gone with a second loss even more crushing than the first. I don’t think she could pull a

She was never that good of an MMA fighter. She had 1 big skill and no real coaching. As the level of athletes increased and people’s skill levels went up, she just stayed the same.

The nachos in my microwave took longer to finish than Rousey’s career tonight.


The worst thing ever are the grizzled tour vets who never shut up about how great ‘95-’98 were, complain about how the band totally sucks now... but they still go to every show.

“I’ve never been into Phish, partly because I had a really awful roommate in college who loved them.”

I consider it one of my prouder pop culture achievements that I went to college in the 1990's and, to this day, I can’t name a single song by Phish and wouldn’t recognize one if I heard it.


Drive is good. It’s got a couple bitchin’ scenes in it, Albert Brooks and Ron Perlman make good small-time criminal shit-bags, the music is good, the plot is coherent. What the hell else do you want from a movie called Drive.

You sound fun

Not nearly enough people point out that Drive, while generally sucking, also has very little actual driving in it.

But ... Titanic did suck.

As a millennial, I cosign the opinion that Notebook is straight trash.