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Paul Anka (ft. Lisa $impson) “Just Don’t Look”

Excellent series as was the micro series

Ha! Awesome pick. Altars of Madness was my second metal purchase on Compact Disc.

If chore-television is your thing then might I recommend Dexter?


Lifehacker needs to do a story on how to write


Not to play Mr. fix-it here, but I always run a 50/50 mixture of coolant to water through all my presidential candidates

However, I’m glad they decided to cut out the totally kewt mall shopping scene from Herzog’s The Act of Killing

I know what we can do with both states.

I love Amy Goodman. She is my spirit animal. If any of you were fortunate enough to donate whatever amount to get to the pledge level including the dinner with Amy please chime in and tell me how it was – but know, first, that I’m jealous of you

I know your remark about America feeling great again was sarcastic but I need to tell you that I observed America’s balls in examination today and asked America to turn it’s head and cough and, I don’t know another way to say this, there was a lump

Not sure if Mike Birbiglia likes to be referred to as bedbug infestation

Even though Lord Chaos has always looked like a loose Yul Brenner mask to me


Unacceptable. Quick, someone get a snake hand puppet to tell him to get back in the game and make more works for Zak Snÿdër to ruin.

Someone HAS TO get on this! Lucas?

You want to make fantastic 4 profitable? Get the people at the Venture Brothers (and Colbert as Dr Impossible) to do it