
I don't want to diss the Pax since it's so beautiful, but it's conduction and the taste isn't there for me. Have you tried the Volcano? Arizer is a Canadian company, have you tried the Extreme-Q or the Solo?

Fuck no. Move here.

The more coverage asexuality gets in the media, the closer we will come to accepting that fixed and binary systems for understanding gender and sexuality are limiting and inaccurate.

They sell the Raw brand organic filters here. That and the Zig-Zag rolling machine keeps me happy on hunting or camping trips. But if I'm near modern conveniences this thing changed my life. THE TASTE!



I get what you're saying. I hope you don't think everyone is attacking you (although it does read like a lot of people are upset at what you wrote). I think you're right in that context matters. I'm not here to lecture, I just had trouble reading the situation so I'm happy you responded. I think that the origin isn't

Why stupidly?

Don't take this as an attack: are you trolling or is this authentic?

Last Saturday, I showed up 45 min before opening at a popular brunch spot. I got in early: got a great table.

Let's wait until May 20th to decide.

You know what kills me? It won't be too long before people have no idea what this is from.

Overnight, too, right? She's around because of the indie movie thing picking up and her talent. She was shut out otherwise.

Thank you

I read that as soon as I heard he'd passed. What a thoughtful and eloquent man.

Did you just guest-spot on your own album?

Penn's crazy overrated.

That's the Louis Gossett, Jr theory: if an actor wins too early in their career said career is usually relegated to B movies and sub par films. (see also Marisa Tomei)

That's why I was rooting for Richard Jenkins. They really pandered to him that whole ceremony (and it was the last one I watched). You knew he wasn't going to win because they paid an almost cringeworthy amount of attention to him during the presentation. It was like the cool kid table at a high school saying hi to

Is that middle-of-the-country-green because there are less bleeping people/space?