Ugh. He's disgusting. How does that man still have a career?!
I agree, it's the first time Ed Harris didn't lift up whatever he was in. Does this mean we're all gonna die?
FINALLY! I'm with you 100% and I'm ready to go back-to-back (Double Dragon style) to defend your sentiment from the oncoming onslaught.
I don't know why but now I admire, and think less of, Yahoo answers.
Just out of curiosity... How many calories would the baby be?
Excessively punchable.
GREAT advice!
What a fun doctor! He looks like such a stand up guy. I'm gonna set my drink here for a moment while I go talk to those folks on the far side of the room for a moment, brb!
dat sweater
+1 for Muji!!!
I thought I was the only one! We should make shirts.
Totally agree with you, but how do you like it in coffee?
How's cheese treat you?
Nice argument.