I pour rennet all over people I don't like then check back in a few months. It works with everything!
I pour rennet all over people I don't like then check back in a few months. It works with everything!
Not only do I agree with you, but I think we can extend this argument to a few other of her "colleagues." Colleagues? ...what the hell is the word to use? I mean, you don't need to be a PhD to have colleagues, right? Technically, if you worked at Burger King at the register, the fry cook is your colleague, right?
That's a good point but in those first few years he'd said he had never been more depressed and that was directly related to how management handled the show. It was when he was ready to walk they let him do his thing. It has to be someone who has a "thing" to begin with.
$10 says he and O'Reilly and Stewart are actually friends though.
Emotionally, I agree with you. I think they're gonna ride that pony out until it can't run any longer.
What's interesting is everyone eulogizing Jon Stewart and TDS by sharing their fond memories and stories of watching through many emotionally charged events. But what this really means is that there is no suitable replacement for TDS and so, in effect, this really is a death. It's the passing of a trusted friend.
That's the sound of their audience's pacemakers seizing up.
I'm morbidly curious to see how the deniers handle that.
I gotta offer up escape plan for the same reason.
Jesus. Your username is just... The Best.
Morally corrupt implies it began using morals. How about fucking batshit insane and without purpose, but with hyphens?
Warning: this might make you as jealous as I am
Tell me about it! I'm wearing one right now!
and delicious.
gaddamnit. Insectivorians? They have a word? Fuck.
Get ready for a wave of "you need to eat sustainable bugs" people. They're even more vocal than vegans and they're ready to be unleashed upon the world.