Glen Benetton

I wish that was surreal. I had one say something similarly snarky after giving my knee what for on a nice long flight. My seat mate suddenly found his shoes super interesting and disengaged from the situation. (Jerks)

"You lied about Rodger man! Here's right here! You lied!"

Anyone know what bourbon Art was drinking?

He's dreamy.

But Monica shows up to be a plot point and nothing else. Just from a writing standpoint she's a nothing.

I've never been so elated then so frustrated in so short a time. Just kill Sammi. Jesus!

who said anything about satisfy? I actually want to non-ironically choke her to prevent any more country music plot arcs.

No way this wasn't meant to be.

I dream of choking her. I guess that means I'm in love with her, too.

That's why my ears were perked and waiting to hear Colbert, McNichol and Higgins!! That was Gary–freakin'–Cole!

"You know what this is?"
"Your best gal?"

I dunno. In thinking they have a plan to kill two birds with one stone.

Awesome! See you next week, SUCKERS!

No idea why I read that as "Dudley Moore level."


I have to agree. Some of this season is ripped from Dear Penthouse Forum.

Maybe the Matlock on the television in Jimmy's office was a nod to those who thought it would be a case of the week show? Or just a pretty good situational joke.

Every time something sweet happens between them I think it's going to end horribly. I can't bear it!

When Jimmy and his brother hugged not as brothers… but as partners… I'm sorry. I'm a little verklempt. Talk amongst yourselves.

(Or in the lesbian community garden)