Glen Benetton

Hi. I'm the guy who hated Sammi from the beginning. A lot of you thought her antics were funny, endearing even. We'd laugh and giggle. Well, now she broke apart the best couple on television. So I ask you, citizens of the internet: who stands with me, against the tyranny of Sammi!?!

I nervous about what's going to happen with Boyd backed into a corner.

Oh no. You just put into words what I was feeling but couldn't place.

I mean, in the grand scheme of things this isn't a big deal. That said, the shoddy writing is kind of insulting

"Wes Bentley will return to American Horror Story next season "

Dear penthouse forum…

Sammi has to go. I mean, a lot of the characters do deplorable shit but she's far jumped the shark and over the moon. Shock value is cool, it gets new viewers–but for a serial style show the characters have to at least be believable to keep the viewers they've got.

You're totally right. It makes me sad to realize that since no other show will be able to match the tone and rhythm Justified has mastered.

Great points. Ty

Great episode. The more Mike the better. But was anyone a little let down by the lack of the in-your-face violence BB supplied (in the cop murder scene)?

"You can't drink him away Mickie. It won't work."

Lip stumbling over words that were not forthcoming was the heartbreak moment of the episode. So well done.


Oral manipulation of sex organs for purposes of stress relief.
I was waiting for her to say "make fuck."

Yeah, it's time for her to go

I call bullshit on the amount of A's handed to this show for this season. What's Kimmy Schmidt gotta do to rack up this many A's?

I actually really, really loved that movie.

The sex toilet and the lady decending the stairs à la some Cohen brothers movie make this a solid A

Anyone else not feeling the motivations any more?

Highlight of the series.