Van Gogh's Good Ear

Politics Corner - Trump tries to punk Chuck and Nancy and it goes exactly as well for him as you’d expect. This IS Top Story. We might well be headed for a government shut down over Trump’s wall demands. That’s a big damned deal. As a baseline, I’ll trade The Wall for Dreamer citizenship, because spending $20B on an

Pretty geeked up to see them live next week. Hopefully they’ll be signing autographs, as I’m only missing Joel’s.

No receipts here in NJ, or stickers.

Do you know about The Internet? That performance had about eleventy thousand cameras pointed at it. 

It’s on YouTube. Just type in Queen Live Aid Performance.

I know, right? It’d be like if ABC hired Rosanne Barr to restart her old sitcom! But they’d never do that!

No one could’ve foreseen that hiring a well-known racist would’ve caused so much headache!

It seemed like everyone did a WTF at them hiring her and then and even bigger WTF at how much she got. How did no one inside NBC understand it was stupid!?

I’m sure she’ll be crying herself to sleep on the 69 million dollars NBC is contracted to pay her whether she appears on TV or not.

WTF? Can it be? A considered, balanced point of view that’s based on LOGIC on the AV Club site???

No one EVER mentions the other brother, and his claims that Mia Farrow physically and emotionally abused her children, and brainwashed them against Allen. Apparently, we are only to believe victims as long as they do not contradict the societal narrative.

We’re not allowed to speak metaphorically anymore. The perpetually outraged demand that everything be taken literally.

It’s an excellent metaphor. And not  sure if even a metaphor. We are in a world of social media lynch mob

It’s so unbelievably bad. I’m shocked at how ridiculously stupid this article is, regardless of where you stand on Woody Allen, this article stinks.

It’s definitely a bad metaphor, but the point here is that it still actually is a metaphor. Bardem doesn’t actually think what’s happening to Woody Allen is lynching or even its equivalent.

How about fuck off with your language policing? 

I think you’re wrong. Lynching is used in a metaphorical sense a lot by non-stupid/racist people and its usage shouldn’t be equated with disrespect for the victims of the act itself. What gives you the right to be the language police?

One thing that is fascinating in the new season is watching his lawyer try to come up with a viable alternative. She gets real close to outright saying she thinks his neighbor did it and then moves on to some other people. But I guess that’s what you do (like Casey Anthony’s defense blaming her parents).

I’m not as interested in this season, but I think part of it is that I have kept up with the news since the documentary and it has gotten national attention. When I watched the first season, I had heard about the murder, but that was about it so it was more compelling. Knowing where everything stands now, it’s not so