I’m sure plenty of Jalops will love this but not I - ND from here. Too many issues and miles.
I’m sure plenty of Jalops will love this but not I - ND from here. Too many issues and miles.
However: $6,950? No dice. Plus, it looks like the side panels and tail section were repainted (they don’t match the tank).
It’s small, simple, light, and rear-drive. You’re 80+% of the way to the formula that has defined fun-to-drive for generations of enlightened enthusiasts. Add in the immediate response of electric motors and that’s another point in its favor.
Great article, topic, writing, etc.
Now THIS is good Jalopnik! Please chief editor > MORE OF THIS!
The headline is the usual click-bait hyperbole. I don’t even pay attention to them. The authors don’t write the headlines, IIRC.
A better driver on a short course with a slow car can beat a worse driver in a faster car on a short course with no trouble at all. Happens all the time in autocross, which I assume this effectively was. I beat Corvettes with my Spitfire on several occasions - Mario Andretti behind the wheel I am better than the old…
I’m surprised this is even NPOND entry. I love old Volvos, but this is a wreck. For $1,500, sure. Maybe $2K to account for market madness.
It still just looks like a Ford truck with a camper shell on the back. No Dice.
Yeah but this is like saying I coughed up a blood clot, but it had an appealing shape.
the “Ultimate Tanning Machine”
Yet they buy em every. Single. Day.
Despite not being driven, it probably still has rattles, squeaks, and leaks. These were a teenage fantasy, but not very good cars.
1990s-2000s era cars who cares, those are just used cars, but retrofitting a touchscreen dash to a classic of any brand is abhorrent. If you want to add the gizmo behind the dash where your phone can play through the speakers, fine, and even if you want to upgrade the speakers behind the original speaker panels or…
Counterpoint: These are better as an art piece than an actual vehicle. There is a saying that “old cars become valuable when they become so pretty that you forget how bad they were” - this car is valuable for that reason, but they are still really crappy cars.
Yup that was my buddies, just auto lol. It wasn’t a bad truck, but it was what all trucks were back then, just a truck. Nothing fancy just did what it needed to do, and also they were reasonably sized. I looked it up a while back but a mid 1990's full size truck, is the same size as what’s considered a mid sized…
Honda Fit! 6 speed manual in the last generation, LOADS of room for stuff, probably more than most small/medium or even “large” SUVs. Super economical. No 4wd tho. Honda reliable, in fact IIRC Fit is rated as their highest reliability car in a long time. Not much HP tho. Low carbon footprint for sure.
‘72 was the last year for the sleek bumpers for the B & BGT in the US. ‘73 grew big tit bumperettes that balooned into a gigantic front girdle and they jacked it up 5 inches and looked hideous . This is a clean starter that would be fun to do whatever engine swap is the preferred MG lump. NP
“At the moment, Wyoming has all of 330 EVs registered in the entire state.”
Drove one for a week. My memories were bad factory paint, car wash unfriendly leaky window seals and epic turbo lag. It did not get me laid either, but I’m willing to shelve some of the blame for that.