
NO ONES anti American. I am an F1 fan who respects the history and legendary drivers who navigated the tracks that MADE F1 what is is TODAY!! drivers have always raced there from the beginning and its part of what makes F1 the challenge and spectacle we all love. DONT LIKE IT DONT WATCH. I guess the fake water, fake

It’s definitely hard to calculate. With the apparent manager’s response in the greys, the cost is higher than I calculated, I figured $400/year for reg in my state so add around $1,500 tax and that’s an additional $1,200 from my estimate.

I think you would find that statistically it really makes very little difference what they are driving. Car accidents are a leading cause of death for young people because at the end of the day, very few things kill young people compared to us olds. Speed is going to be a bigger factor - a kid is a lot more likely to

It’s really not, but you do you.

It’s funny, in their latter days Oldsmobiles were watchwords for generic, uninteresting design, but that broad, simplistic styling has made them age into pretty solid examples of 90s/early aughts design. I like this.

our first ev lease cost us $6000 total after 3 years (not to mention saving $100/month on the payment from our previous car)... on top of that, our insurance went up about $30/month and, annual reg went up about $100... but we saved about $160/month on gas. and to your point, we didnt have to buy tires for our


I’ve owned a bunch of Audis. What they had was super clean interiors, they hid screens when not in use and useful buttons/knobs were easy to find while keeping your eye’s on the road. They were not super edgy in their delivery of performance but they just ate miles and corners while maintaining very good manners.

Jalops hate on Buick but I think Buick has a chance. It just won’t be a Jalop car line.

So is this that Camaro shooting break I keep hearing about?

Well hitch up my belt, get me in the left lane on a Florida highway doing 50 with my left blinker on and pop some Sinatra in the 8-track, I have an early bird special dinner to get to. 

Mom had a Pinto, Mustang II, Fairmont, Tempo and Tempo II....  I survived.

Why do do make people think they need a dump truck-sized 4x4 just because they have a kid and occasionally buy groceries?

Funny how when I was a kid, a VW Rabbit was considered perfectly adequate family transportation for a couple with *A* kid, a dog, and some hobbies. And they didn’t cost $50K.

Commas: the difference between “Let’s eat grandma!” and “Let’s eat, grandma!” :p

The US outlawed lawn darts after the death of one five year old. We have regulations for consumer products out the ass to protect the public. There is no (personal view, here) case to be made against making more safe an item that is designed to kill; you’d think that would be a fucking feature, but not in this country.

I know at this point its willful ignorance, but anyways here you go:

Because there aren’t many Infiniti G35/G37 coupes left. Most met their end around telephone poles.

I know, right?! When the same argument is used against guns, something that is designed to kill people and are significantly easier to get and exponentially more effective than they were when the Bill of Rights was drafted, these people lose their minds and can’t fathom having their playthings restricted.

He went on to say he’d “love to see auto manufacturers take some responsibility,” regarding the misuse of performance cars”