
Everybody gripes about the clickbait articles on Jalop, but the real enthusiast stuff like this doesn't seem to generate many comments, so...anyway, thanks for posting this, keep the stories like it coming.  E9 is on my bucket list, unfortunately, as a tail end boomer, the front and middle end generational cohorts

This looks to be in good shape for it’s age. No major mechanical issues as described interior surprisingly good, manual transmission. At 2400 pounds or so these are the among the lightest cars you could get in the States, even back then. A Good thing if you like small, sporty cars.   believe the GTS came with a 6

Put it in your wedding or other ring, I wear one everyday, don’t even think about it. Fun fact, as I have gotten older and my joints have swollen I am quite sure a thief couldn’t remove my ring without either a. My cooperation, or b. Cutting my finger off.  Probably a good thing if I were to encounter a lazy,

Best article on Jalopnik in a long time, keep up the good work.

Yeah that is pretty much what I think, the overall shape isn't bad, though the interior is pretty horrendous.  Anyway not "crack pipe at any price" to me,  but still way overpriced.

There ought to be a word for something obscure that you would never think of or remember unless you are reminded of it.  Maybe that word could by Tommykaira

Not a Jeep guy,but thought the Jeep guys would be all over a straight six, two door manual like this.  If nobody else is jumping on the bandwagon I guess I am not either.

it applies to you, too, if you’ve ever had dreams of driving a classic, or even daily driving one. A slow spin around a closed course or parking lot will always be just fine for that, though I’m old enough now to fear much more, for many reasons, though mainly: airbags and crumple zones.”

Comment deserves more stars, but maybe we should work “jaw-dropping” and “life-hack” into the title to get a few more....ummm....err....clicks.

Your market timing is much better then mine.

This looks like a little to no excuses car, if a dealer had it they would price it well over ten. Easy nice price.  Blue is a great color for these.

Had a friend whose family loved used (Ford) Escorts. They were, cheap, reliable, and parts were cheap too. I think it is an odd one to have on the list. Many are also cited for horsepower deficiencies, when by the standards of the day they are as good as anything else.

I didn’t see the original, but came to post that lots of people love/loved their Flexes, thought it was a very odd choice.  The Tempo on the other hand, yeah, probably about the worst car Ford ever built.

They sell crap cars so they are crap”. I dont know about the nicer cars they sell, but the stuff as pictured in the comments I have seen many times. Why are they a bad dealer because the sell projects or parts cars rather than fully restored (which often have issues even from “reputable” dealers). Lots of pictures

I am not at unsympathetic to the UPS drivers, but in this situation a fan probably makes more sense. Don’t know if you have been in a car repair shop lately. Most all in our area do not have AC, the doors open letting cars in and out all the time means it doesn’t work real well to lower temperatures.  A/C lowers temps

We had a first generation Fit, bought new, drive for 15 years, trouble free, low cost years.  Loved it.  Too bad they don't sell them here anymore.  The RS is Great idea, but man, the current generation is sure ugly, The early ones weren't exactly good looking, but at least had some character, current car is very

Highway 2 Northwest towards South Dakota is one of my favorite drives, and when I was younger I may have found out where how fast several of my cars would go on roads where I could literally see for miles and there was no traffic or much any sign of civilization for that matter.  I80 is mind numbing, used to at least

I agree, don’t know why, but I find Iowa more mind numbing than Nebraska. 

Colorado as a whole beats Nebraska hands down, but eastern Colorado is so dry, flat and barren, looks like where Nebraska would go if Nebraska died.

I nice priced it, these days most anything in decent shape and slightly rare or unusual seems to be worth some coin. Look at Isettas and Messerschmits (sp?) and other bubble cars of the 50s and 60s. Those things, built as the cheapest enclosed transportation you could buy back in the day, are worth serious money now.