
I personally don’t care why she cried. I dont need an explanation for human emotion.

Sucking it up and trying if you’re a swimmer or basketball play may look like a slower time, or a sub-par performance. Sucking it up and trying when you’re a gymnast can mean serious injury, paralysis, or death. She made the right call and her entire team supported her and went on to kick ass themselves.

He’s not just a centaur.

Right? The kid is 7. At least let him wear a polo and khakis so he doesn’t look like a knob.

All I wanna do is have a little fun before I die!  And that includes a casual dress code.

Or why the President of France agreed to meet them? Is he looking for Millennial support on something?

I’m more confused as to why these two are meeting the French president in the first place. 

At my first real job, I was obviously eager to prove I was capable and reliable. So I would jump in to volunteer for all the extra projects and late hours. I made friends with a guy a few years older than me who had worked there for a number of years. We were talking in the breakroom one day and I was griping about

I was hired into a new job during the pandemic and can definitely say I’ve adjusted poorly to the new work culture (my boss is very adamant that work be a “family” and I respectfully disagree lol). I’m a stickler for boundaries, take my breaks and my lunch and log out after my 8 hrs and am no longer available. During


Oh I absolutely agree with you on all of this! And I for sure opt out of tiny chair on the regular). Maybe a better description of what I meant was that wine mom-ism is just one of a large array of mini-opt-outs, and we all need as many options as are available to us to make this all work without going insane. I just

I had my last drink sixteen years ago and this whole wine and Mom thing makes me very queasy.

One of the things that got me to assess myself and stop drinking completely was the realization that if there was any kind of emergency during my drinking hours, I would not be fit to handle it. I couldn’t rush to the side of

My fourth grader was marginal, at best, with online school. I cannot even imagine the enhanced difficulty of keeping a kindergartener engaged.

the production hearkens back to The Cure and The Smiths more than... I don’t know... Sum 41?”

It reminds me of late 90's stuff like Garbage and Veruca Salt.

I mean, the lyrics and composition are good, and she pulls off the vocals. I’m just not crazy about the production. The instruments are muted in order to highlight her vocals, and the vocals’ distortion only serve to highlight said mutedness.

I need to stress that Fox and Friends are 100% totally okay with all of that happening.

Agreed, generally, though it is true that the CDC is probably about to say that in an outdoor environment vaccinated people pose such a small risk of passing COVID that it’s not meaningfully beneficial, and with more time, it’s also likely that they’ll say that for vaccinated people indoors as well.  The preliminary

Same. Been fully vaccinated since January, may wear the mask in public forever more. It lessens weird subway smells, no creeps telling me to “smile baby”, haven’t had a cold in over a year. The only negative has been my glasses fogging up.

It took me a good chunk of adulthood to realize I was being exclusionary to people with a different social background than I had just by assuming things were normal. I remember dating a girl who told me she wanted to get a Polar Pop. I had no idea what a polar pop was but I said if she wanted ice cream I knew a good