
This is the greatest thing since someone put wheels on his luggage. All political debates should feature cats.

Ya if you're comfortable showing your legs. Mine are all gigantic and hairy probably partially because I used to be overweight as a teenager and even now I'm top heavy. I don't normally go to the actual gym but when I did there's this one work out where you push with your legs to push weight that's basically on top

This technique works well with regular pocket pats. If my keys, wallet and phone aren't in my pants, I'm going to know right away through a habit I'm only aware of when any of these items aren't present.

For me it's because I'm an introvert and too too focused on the anxiety over the interaction itself.

Yeah, that always bugged me about that movie: Sid being terrible hinged upon the idea that toys were sentient beings.

I went the other way and put that gap to use.

Heaven forbid a upper cabinet member of the US Govt being forced to take a commercial flight! Oh the humanity! Frankly, they should all be flying commercial. I can't help but think of all the money our country wastes flying the President around (along with all their vehicles) when we could be like half of the other

I think the important thing in your gmail filters (when you use them a lot) is keeping the filters short and the first 2-3 characters unique. This makes labeling so much faster because keyboard shortcuts are ~4 characters (including l for label and enter key).

...I love safety stuff...

@AgentSmithAndWesson: 10% to tithing (If you're not Christian / don't believe in tithing, put this in short term savings)