*yawn* Just stop it.
*yawn* Just stop it.
*yawn* Just stop it.
*yawn* Just stop it.
He’s totally right about the producers, they work hard behind the scenes and make everything happen for the on-air talent. So glad he gave them a shout-out!
You’re a product of the modern US education system and thus an excellent drone. Solar and wind-driven cars and planes, eh? Yeah!! Your religion is eco-terrorism, your gods are government and the dirt you stand on. “Voting” and “procreation” are big words for you, please don’t do them.
We could have begun full-scale transition to fully renewable infrastructure decades ago.
Exactly. That is never mentioned and the candidates should answer for it.
What, you’re not OUTRAGED at this or anything?! What’s wrong with you, don’t you CARE?
Right? And the TRS-80 Color Computer...no comment :)
Those Model III’s were something, especially when using SuperSCRIPSIT.
Great story, thanks for sharing! I remember seeing the preview in theaters as well for TUC and then of course more info in Starlog...Capt Sulu of the Excelsior?! AHHHIIIIIGH! Mind = blown, theater went crazy.
Cool story, brah!
Cool story, brah!
Yes, because a hashtag ALWAYS solves the problem and makes you feel better for stomping your little feet up and down. How’d that hashtag work out for bringing back our girls from Boko Haram, son?
YEAH! You tell ‘em, bro!
Makes one wonder if the headline would be similar if this was a What’s Happening!! or Good Times minifig set. Guessing...no.
YES. I’ve always thought it would be awesome if they had some type of remote controlled, multi-directional spotlight or laser mounted on the ceiling that would light up anyone who is using their phone, which would point them out in front of the entire theater. One can dream...
Right? They have their entire adult lives to live in constant outrage, no need to introduce it before they’ve even outgrown Sesame Street.
Kids have their entire adult lives to live in constant anger and outrage (“activism!”) if they choose, why not just let them enjoy the innocence of childhood like hundreds of previous generations? Yeesh. Give them that freedom to decide when they’re older.
I’ll agree that the costumes suck, though. There’s no denying that.
Agreed, that opening sequence was amazing as was the music to go with it. What a soundtrack TMP has.
Same here, brother! I was 10 and just sat there in amazement for the whole thing. So cool to see my favorite characters up on the big screen and, of course, the Big E in all its redesigned glory. What a great year 1979 was for sci-fi, we also had The Black Hole and ALIEN (which mom never knew I saw with dad, haha).