
Yeah, a list of movies I can't watch because you need two eyes to do so! (cancer's a bitch) I was a bit worried around the time that Avatar came out and 3D was all the rage, that soon I wouldn't be able to go to the movies again. Thank god that fad passed! Now I only have to worry about not being able to go the movies

I've got an English exam on Friday and that clip is part of the material I have to study. I guess I'll finally have to watch it after ignoring it on Facebook all that time. You win again, internet!

I'm a girl and I've been in bars, but never one with a jukebox that had the Buzzcocks, darn it!

What?! Angry Birds aren't in anymore? Someone should tell the Finns. Every dang playground is Angry Birds themed there! (when I found out that the game was created by a Finn -after having already lived almost half a year in the country, mind you-, I…felt very dumb for not figuring that out by myself)

There is the fact though, that if you live in a western country and something happens in another western country, you get this feeling "if it can happen there, it can happen here". Which is, frankly, a natural human reaction. It's what I was thinking a couple of months ago in Paris and lo and behold, now it HAS

I'm quite the cynical person and usually I feel the same about those things, but then this happened in my own city and you know, I kind of not mind them. Yesterday I just spent the whole day on newssites and social media, looking for information, seeing all those drawings and tributes and whatnot, trying to make sense

Oh, stop it! Now you're just making me jealous!

Heard a fellow student who had his birthday today exclaim he felt old…he's 21. 28 isn't that old of course, but in Belgium everybody is so fixated on doing everything on schedule, I definitely belong to the segment of "weird old people who are still in school, why? that's weird, get a job and a house, you lazy bum!"

Being in my late 20s and currently studying at uni surrounded by 20 year-olds, I've had a lot of "man, I'm so f*** old"-moments lately. So I'm very flattered you guys would ban me. (See, you little monsters, I'm not old! And now shut up, grandma is trying to pay attention!)

So you're telling me it's never going to get better?! Well, that sure puts a damper on my day!

But not with a great Danish accent though. I don't what that accent is, but it's not Danish.

I don't know…apart from Céline Dion and ABBA, what winner ever built a lasting career out of a win?

I liked it too, actually. But I'm a sucker for dumb American movies that make Prague stand in for several European cities, with the best example being Euro Trip. (yeah, that's not what Amsterdam looks like, at all!) God, that movie is ridiculous!

Well, personally, I don't really think it's very fair. But then again, I've got an internet connection and know what torrenting is, so I'm not complaining that much. (Oh yes, I do like to live dangerously!)

Not everywhere in Europe, I can tell you that. IF they air something in Belgium, it's always months later.

Aah, Chasing Liberty! That's the first thing I ever saw him in (and Jeremy Piven too for that matter). For some reason the Norwegian host family, who had 3 sons and 0 daughters, I lived with as an exchange student, had it on dvd.

Yeah, I saw Fargo the first time not long after having lived in Norway for a year and it immediately felt sooo familiar.

Clearly, you're not Belgian. I wouldn't be able to forget them even if I tried.

He'll always be "Blaaaaaze!" to me.