
What a trip to have a teaser for Atlanta in my native language, non-English!

Several fragments from Dutch Sesame Street are included as well. My inner 5-year old squealed in delight.

Wait, this isn’t the last season?! I swear I read somewhere that it was the last season! I have to hate-watch not one but two more seasons of this?!

Well, I wouldn’t blame those Frenchies since one-euro notes aren’t even a thing

Sued by Studio 100...a company that exists thanks to a talking dog with the hand of an adult man up its behind...

Same here. But I think I managed it now?

They are all individuals!

There are a bunch of bands I wish I could've seen live that could theoretically reform, but are they gonna be any good? The Smiths are a prime example. I feel absolutely no need to see current Morrissey live (mainly because of non-musical reasons, to be fair), but the Morrissey of the heydays of The Smiths? Yes,

Just one of many ways in which Estonia tries to be Finland.

Please, you can hardly call what they speak in Québec, French. My French is pretty good, I use it on a daily basis, but when a French Canadian starts talking to me, my first thought is "would it be awkward if I ask them to repeat this in English?"

Definitely a 90s thing. I went there when I visited Montréal in '97. Wasn't there anymore when I came back about 15 years later. I think we also went to one in Québec (the city, that is), but I'm not sure - it's 20 years ago, I was 10… Did love the waitresses fifties outfit -cheesier than their cheese pizza.

Well that would explain a lot…

Well, when the former king abdicated, he refused to go back to being a lowly prince, so his title is still king…even though he isn't actually the king… His name's Albert, so I kinda get it.

What?! Then where am I right now? *looks around nervously*

Not in The Netherlands' wacky neighbour Belgium though! We've got two kings! (and two queens - even three at one point)

I'm also from the future and the use of the word alternative in that context made me shudder!

Ugh, that show! I am so over it, but yet I can't quit it. When I heard it was renewed for two more seasons (after this one!), I had a meltdown. It's like I'm being tortured by the CIA myself. Maybe, for the next two seasons, they should just film me watching that trainwreck.

I was so confused. Was it supposed to be what Noah thinks they are talking about? That can't be real, actual dialogue?! It was so, so stupid!

Me too. It would make the research for my Bachelor's thesis that much easier.

*tips hat* My pleasure! It is truely one of my biggest pet peeves that the non-Dutch speaking part of the world seem to treat them two different languages.