
Yeah, I don't think Belgica is an allegory for Belgium. It's a
semi-biographical movie about an actual legendary venue in Ghent that
the filmmaker's dad owned together with his brother, I believe. I think I
would have heard it if it was some sort of allegory, considering Belgian…ergh, Flemish media's constant drooling

He got an ice pick that made his ears burn

It's even been on Belgian Netflix for ages! And nothing is ever on Belgian Netflix.

Lost! Both the finales of Lost and HIMYM enraged me so much that I still get angry when they're mentioned. I was rewatching HIMYM from the beginning during the last season, but I just couldn't get myself to continue once that horrendous finale had aired.

Nope. I'm kinda worried about the whole retooling thing. I'm afraid it'll get too saccharine for my cold cold heart.

I've already seen the new season and I can't figure out what you guys are talking about and it's driving me nuuuuts, aaaargh! (well, that and the exam I have tomorrow)

Am I the only one who liked Muppets Most Wanted more than the first of the new movies?

Aw, my first troll! I'm so happy!

What I mean is that I grew up with it and therefore am never conciously
switching from faces to text etc., or something like that. It's just a
very natural thing for me, watching movies with subtitles and therefore I
find it funny that for a lot of people it's, well, not.

As someone who grew up in a country where everything that isn't aimed at children who can't read yet is subtitled (well, maybe not in the entire country, but my part anyway -Belgium is weird), I find it so funny that people find it so hard to watch something with subtitles. Concentrating on a movie when it's dubbed,

Wow, so much enthousiastic people in the video! When he did it in Brussels he was walking a dingy alley (which may be in the video, it's hard to tell) and the few bystanders obviously couldn't care less. For shame, Europe! Also, he did not walk through the crowd in Brussels. I feel cheated!

I believe you. Totally sounds like something a Finn would come up with! I'm seriously regretting my attempt at learning Finnish failed, I really wanna hear it my own ears! Perkele!

Reporting for duty!

I saw the series of The Big Reunion where they and a bunch of other bands reunited. That was a surprisingly well made program. I was expecting MTV-style cuts and heigthened drama, but no, it actually had content.

Oh America…you clearly missed out on so much. 10-year old me is freaking out at the mention of all those bands.

Why didn't they just take the friggin' bowl out of his hands before it was too late?! I got so annoyed by that scene. "Negotiate" with him? You're adults, he's a toddler, just take the bowl and tell him it's not for kids. God!

Oh yeah, I don't go there anymore. Too expensive and always the same acts. Never been to Pukkelpop or Dour, somehow always unable to make it to either.

I seriously did not realize they made any other song apart from "We're from Barcelona", which I will forever associate with my first year at university (ah, those were innocent times) thanks to the alternative radio station playing it every hour for months on end.

Ha, I don't have to google it! Only "thou shall dance now!" dance act closer-of-the-night at Rock Werchter I've ever enjoyed!

The winning song of the 1974 Eurovision Song Contest.