
Angry Birds is Finnish though. And boy, are they proud of it! Those damn birds are everywhere.

Aw…I remember the Belgian media reporting all enthousiasticly that part of this movie was going to be filmed in Belgium. Memories!

Yeah, but they genuinely thought he was German, not just born in what at the time was sort of Germany. Also, as a Belgian, I'm not a fan of that kind of thinking… I mean, then we could claim even less famous people as ours.

Well, honest mistake. It's not like they are good at remembering who's German and who's Austrian themselves either. Yesterday, during a presentation on their country, a group of Germans told us MOZART is German. I mean, he's only like the first name I'd say if someone asked me to name a famous Austrian (because I'm

I think they're shooting themselves in the foot here. I mean, why go to Coachella if you can't even take selfies in the best possible conditions at any time? What else should you there? Listen to music ?!

He's actually German (and Spanish), which means his normal accent is probably vastly different from an Austrian accent.

Yeah, totally. I was just trying to be funny. I'd been doing sports earlier last night, I'd just wanted to feel like myself again, you know.

Yeah, I mean, it's both in Europe right? Why are there so many countries in that continent anyway?

Aah…"have you tried sauna yet?", the other question I get at least once a week. They are absolutely everywhere. Even in our crappy student housing and every single cottage I've stayed at, no matter how cheap and basic. I've heard that at the hospital, when they discharge a patient, their papers always contain

"It's not like there's anything else to do in Norway during the winter."

Salty black licorice is more of a Finnish problem. Never got it offered when I was living in Norway. Here in Finland though, they just love offering it to every unsuspecting foreigner. At least once a week someone asks me if I've tried it already. The answer is and will always be no, though. I don't even like regular

That's not even a mouse!

But…Space Jam is awesome! It's one of the cornerstones of my VHS collection, together with Spiceworld: The Movie and Dunston Checks In.

It's been a year and thinking of that finale still has me seething with rage. I might need help.

What on earth was that?!

For children?! Way to alienate most of your fanbase!

Really? They have stamps with his work on here! Am I the only one whose eyes immediately get drawn to them at the counter of the R-Kioski?!

If I ever form a band, I will, in order to not offend anyone, give my own middle name: Blank Space (I do not have a middle name).

Oh boy, my mother is gonna be so confused. Thanks a lot, Microsoft!

A list of worst songs without Marco Borsato in it?! This list has lost all relevance!
Who doesn't want to smash in people's heads when being exposed to this song twenty times a day?…