Imagine an article like this being written in the wake of the Las Vegas shooting. surely folks in Las Vegas had a 99.995% chance of being safe too. how insensitive.
Imagine an article like this being written in the wake of the Las Vegas shooting. surely folks in Las Vegas had a 99.995% chance of being safe too. how insensitive.
what an ignorant comment. the entire south, which was heavily dependent on its ability to export cotton and import manufactured products, was under a blockade and the army was massively outgunned and outmanned in pretty much every way possible. the fact that they were in the war as long as they were is a testament to…
race aside, most mass shooters are absolutely not older, they tend to be in their twenties and thirties. they also tend not to live quietly in retirement communities, they usually have some past run-ins with police. they also usually leave some kind of radicalization paper trail.
terrorism has a specific, legal definition, it involves political or ideological motivation. without knowing if such a motivation exists you can’t call an act terrorism. a person who fires into a crowd isn’t necessarily a terrorist, he might be delusional he might hear voices. slapping a “terrorism” label on any mass…
Japan is also a much smaller, healthier (no obesity or diabetes or opiate crisis,) much wealthier (in terms of income distribution,) country that severely restricts immigration and who’s population is A) not growing and B) mostly densely concentrated in urban areas.
there is a lot of private healthcare fraud, and there’s also the fact that every state has a mechanism to defraud the federal government out of Medicaid/medicare money so that they get budget increases while spending less and less. bringing these things “under government control” (read: bureaucracy) is a far cry from…
nothing says freedom of movement like a corset worn over a hoodie
thats partially to blame, but was more of an issue several years ago. people are coming to Europe from all over Africa and the middle East, not just war-ravaged countries like Syria. they’re escaping crime and poverty and tribal/religious persecution and just looking for a better life for themselves and their…
IIRC most immigrants coming to the US by way of the southern border aren’t of Mexican descent, but other central American states. and in the last year (after your statistics were published) the number of mixed-citizenship families fleeing deportation has skyrocketed.
right, when xenophobes organized a functional political party and rioted in the street and immigrants lived in fetid poverty.
that’s not necessarily true... it’s still illegal to hire undocumented immigrants, so the only ones who pay income tax/SS are those who presented their employees with fake or stolen SS numbers. the majority who are paid by their employers in cash do not pay taxes or SS. it’s estimated that about 1.8 million…
That’s tremendously unfair. he was a college kid who went on a tour advertised as safe and fun. who among us hasn’t been a dipship early-twentysomething who would up somewhere they shouldn’t have been? people travel to “unsafe” destinations all the time and come back talking about their adventure of a lifetime, and…
I think D&G is just in that weird expensive-but-still-crappy middle ground where they have to pander to everyone they can. their clothes aren’t affordable, but they’re also not high end enough to exclusively dress celebs and socialites. they’re banking on the upper middle class continuing to pay outrageous amounts for…
I saw somewhere too that the management company had a history of installing faulty refurb appliances and that a spark from a bad fridge started the fire. my landlady has twice(!!) replaced my broken dryer with refurb units that caught on fire so that hot close to home. but for the grace of god go I.
we obviously need better treatment for the mentally ill, and to make it easier to humanely institutionalize folks who would otherwise be homeless and prone to becoming the perpetrator or victim of a violent crime.
I can’t be the only person who thinks those swimsuits with the multiple ties down the front make those models look like like they have, like, 6 boobs. like she’s a cat with teats.
Don’t forget too that India is a developing country with a history of rocky gender relations. the rising generation has close to a 9/10 female/male ratio due to sex-selective abortions and infanticide. many men—especially poorer men— will remain single for lack of women. Pre-marital sex and love marriages are also…
A huge portion of the population has been conditioned to recoil at and vote against anything that smacks of socialism, even if it would be to their direct benefit. they can’t afford their prescriptions as it is, but gub’ment insurance means “death panels.”
he’s observing the date the 13th amendment was submitted, which is also the first day of BHM.
he’s recognizing the date that the 13th amendment was submitted, not just randomly bringing it up.