
there are a lot of deep and clever country songs, you just chose one of the cheesiest ones.

That’s exactly my point... the ACA does nothing more than force us to buy into a broken system. there’s no reason why a tetanus shot should be billed at $120 if it can be negotiated down to $60. and charging me a $5400 fine (what my health insurance used to cost) for the privilege of opting out is not a system I can

Exactly. And in my case I’ve had the insurance company fight me for every single expense. I pay them a lot of money for the privilege.

I agree and that’s why I feel like the ACA is a sham. It’s forcing people to pay into a for-profit system which, for most of us, is only getting less affordable. And for me, I have a high deductible plan so my insurance has never actually covered any of my healthcare costs. And it doesn’t need to be. Nobody is

Exactly, and the ACA was supposed to make it affordable. It has not, it has continued to get worse to the point that I can barely afford it. And now I’m forced to buy it, whereas before I had the option to drop it and pay out of pocket.

They have many more subscribers but many of them were previously considered uninsurable. Taking on someone with a preexisting condition can be wildly expensive... this isn’t me saying those people should be left out in the cold, but that foisting them on for-profit companies who are then going to try and make that

well, my local congressman is one of the people spearheading the movement to repeal the ACA.

I understand the value that the ACA has brought to many people, I really do, but I’m on the other side of it. My insurance premium has gone up about 400%. I pay $800 a month to keep my husband and I insured and I have never met the deductible. So we’re paying just shy of $10,000 per year for the privilege of not being

Hey, don’t forget our hippie friends in Asheville and Boone holding down the west

You’d be right:

unfortunately he’s going to sit in a jail for years and cost us taxpayers (literally, in my case, since I live in SC) millions before he’s put down.

Coryanne, yes. I’m too distracted by Courtney’s brows to give an honest assessment of her, though. maybe she and Marissa have the same overzealous makeup artist because they both were done dirty.

Their expensive open door immigration policy has caused schisms between very religiously conservative immigrants and more liberal-minded natives and has become deeply unpopular as a result. the terrorist attacks on European soil and the state’s inability to conduct thorough background checks on incoming migrants

*that* is an example of police misconduct, I don’t think anyone would criticize how Castillo handled the situation. It’s disingenuous to suggest that every shooting with a racial bent is identical.

the first thing they teach you when you get your CC license is to *always* have your gun holstered and out of sight, *especially* when dealing with police. If they know you CC (they can find out by running your plate) the first thing they’ll ask is if you have a weapon on you and where is it. This guy broke a cardinal

Attacks like this inspire smugness no matter who the perpetrator is. Before he was identified people were already talking how “let me guess! another mentally ill white male!” it’s sick.

My brother came to visit me last year... he’s in college so he doesn’t get many opportunities to travel. Anyway, my mom LIT UP my phone the day he got in. I was thinking there had been some kind of emergency so I called her back as quick as I could.

mymom wanted nothing more than beautiful, rail-thin daughters. She got neither. My sister was thin but didn’t quite grow into her features until she was in her twenties (she’s lovely) and I was the fat one. My mom already didn’t like the ‘Britney Spears teenybopper’ trends at the time but my weight gave her a reason

I am so glad to learn that so many people had this problem. I was around a size 6/8 and my mom made me try on and ultimately buy size 12/14 pants. I have never been thin but she had this mental image of me as an obese teenager... she has an eating disorder and is 90 lbs soaking wet so her thoughts are warped when it

Yeah, I understand what you’re saying. I honestly haven’t heard any of the cries to tone down the accusations, but that may very well be an age/region/specific social circle kind of thing. What I do see are people being incredibly dramatic about how the election will effect them. My lesbian sister texted me fearing